“Interesting. You have to have a membership to get into the Price Club, don’t you?”

“I’m done with this conversation. I love you, be safe. And I shop at BJs, you dick.”

Sway hung up on him and Dana didn’t stop smiling the entire time he was getting dressed, up to the moment he walked through the door to their office and saw Ford, his smile going from jovial to predatory.


Damn, why does he have to look so good? Ford could’ve easily blamed his demand for Dana to dump his girlfriend on the multiple beers he’d had, but that was pointless because he’d been far from drunk. He’d wanted to put his hands on Dana, but he wouldn’t take what belonged to someone else. Dana’s response to him had been so heady, so much more than he’d expected. His partner’s heavy pants and the scent of desperation flooded Ford’s senses, and that’s what made him drunk. It was as if Dana hadn’t been touched in years, like he hadn’t received affection. Which couldn’t be the case because the man’s dance card seemed to stay packed.

“Afternoon,” Dana said when he moved past Ford’s desk to his own. A sexy soap and water smell drifted to him, followed with a subtle hint of cologne.

“Hey,” Ford managed. His dick was horribly restricted in his leather. There were times he was grateful for the unforgiving fabric – like when his body came into contact with the asphalt – and then there were times his dick wanted to burst through it. Dana was just so sexy. He had on black jeans and a black shirt. He rarely wore leather pants like he and Brian did, but he didn’t go anywhere without his seven-year-old, worn leather riding jacket. Dana was engrossed and ready for work, his maturity shining through like a beacon; drawing Ford to him as if he were a ship lost at sea. Then there were times that he joked and played too much. Ford remembered him saying that he missed Ford’s smile… maybe he joked because he wanted Ford to be happy. Shaking his head at the silly musing, Ford got down to business.

“What’s new? Why are we dressed to hunt? Did Duke get a tip on the Grossmans’ location?” Dana asked.

Brian looked up from his computer, signing way too fast for Dana to keep up, so Ford translated.

“One of Duke’s contacts came through with a tip. Said that Ray Grossman’s main girl hangs out at this ritzy bar called The Grove in Buckhead. The have a male review on Sunday nights. From what the guy said, she practically hosts the event. It’s for the high-end crowd with money to spend. Duke doesn’t think the Grossmans are there, but he wants us to see if you—” Ford pointed at Dana, “can get close enough to her and try to get her car information so I can LoJack it in the parking lot. Maybe she’ll lead us to them.”

Dana looked doubtful at hearing the plan and Ford knew why. It was risky at best.

“Get close to her. If she’s Ray’s main squeeze, then no doubt she’ll be protected. Watched like a hawk,” Dana responded.

“Or not. This is what she’s always done and it’s not a place that Atlanta’s most-wanted hang out at. It’s for the upper class,” Ford countered.

“So, we get in how?” Brian signed.

“You’re going, too?” Ford frowned.

“Yes. Duke wants all of us there on the off chance a Grossman might rear his ugly head. He and Quick will be on location, waiting for the tracker to be put in place. The guy at the door is doing us a favor – after Duke paid him five hundred to let us in, no questions asked. Hell, we could probably pass for the entertainment for the evening.” Brian put his hands down and blew a teasing kiss at Dana.

“Forget that. I told y’all last month. I won’t be pimped out again,” Dana grumbled. “Assholes.”

Ford laughed and Dana’s head jerked up in surprise, a slight quirk of his own mouth making a beautiful appearance. They shared a brief look before getting back on topic.

“No one is pimping anyone,” Ford assured him. “We’ll do what we do. Be subtle.”

“We hardly look subtle in black on black on black. You guys look like you’re going to stick up the place and I look like I just robbed a liquor store.” Dana looked back and forth between them. “Not to mention all the weapons we have on us.”

“So what are you trying to say?” Ford smirked.

“We look like thugs, Bradford! We should’ve dressed like we were going to schmooze with the lifestyles of the rich and famous, not attack them.”

Schmooze? Ford loved when Dana got passionate about the job. His big brown eyes danced with each word he spoke and his chest stuck out even farther as he got worked up. Ford stood and went to the vault where he kept his gadgets, he was ready to get out there with his partner. He felt he was being watched as he walked across the room. When he looked back, he saw Dana’s ravenous eyes leveled on his ass. Even when he’d stopped walking, Dana was still gawking. Ford cleared his throat and Dana’s eyes snapped up, his cheeks turning red so fast Ford thought they might spontaneously combust. Maybe the man really did find him sexy. He hoped so. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold everything in. He’d had the tiniest taste of Dana’s skin, not nearly enough to quench his hunger or curiosity. He needed more.