When Ford was finally standing over him, Dana held his gaze. Tried to tell him he was okay without having to speak it. He was feeling more lethargic, groggy, the medicine moving rapidly through his bloodstream now, but he couldn’t drift away. Not until he knew Ford was okay. Not until he reassured Ford that he was okay. Dana struggled to keep his eyes open. He wanted to reach out to him, but one hand was useless and the other one was wired up. He needed to touch. God, he just needed one touch.

Ford leaned down and pulled a lever on the side of Dana’s bed and lowered the guard rail. He leaned in, slowly, careful of where he touched. With both arms on either side of Dana’s head, their faces so close Dana could smell the sweat that clung to Ford’s skin, Ford turned and snarled at everyone else in the room.

“Get. Out.”

For a moment, no one moved. Then Brian walked backwards a few steps and pulled the door open, looking at everyone expectantly. Dana hadn’t even noticed Brian come in, he’d been so engrossed by Ford. When everyone was out of the room, Ford turned his attention back to Dana.

What could he say? With Ford overwhelming him like this, he had absolutely no words. Dana had scared him. He knew that. But he’d also done his job. Ford couldn’t expect him to do anything less. Was it a tad reckless and extremely dangerous? Yes. But that was a given in their line of work. He’d never deliberately hurt Ford. He was showing him he’d put his life on line for him. That’s how much he loved him. His strong feelings for Ford started a lot longer than two months ago.

“Baby,” Ford croaked.

Dana’s world tilted. He felt a tear slide down his temple. Ford took his thumb and shakily wiped it away. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad.”

“Shhh.” Ford tenderly stroked the side of his face that wasn’t bruised. His voice just a garbled whisper. “I was so scared. Jesus Christ, I was scared. But I’m not mad at you, brat.”

Dana felt another tear. To hear Ford call him that was the only medicine he needed. He’d come close to never hearing Ford say anything so loving ever again. He had so much to live for, he needed to be more careful. No wonder Duke and Quick were always so cautious. Dana finally got it. He wanted years with Ford… not months.

“I swear, I’m not mad. You saved us, you saved my brother again.” Ford squeezed his eyes closed, fighting the moisture building inside them. “You were amazing out there today. Fearless. I’m so damn proud of you.”

Dana wished he could hug Ford so badly. Ford buried his face behind Dana’s ear, careful to keep his weight off him – and just breathed with him. Breathed in the realization that they were okay. They were together.

“Love you so fuckin’ much.”

Dana whimpered, there was no other word to describe the relieved sound his soul made when it splayed open. “I love you too, Ford.”


“Babe, we might as well stay here. There’s no need for you to get up and disturb yourself when you’re already comfortable here and go to my place… for what?”

Dana had just been released from the hospital, a quarter to noon, after being kept another day for observation. Cayson didn’t take any chances. He’d made Dana go through another CT SCAN and sent those files to a published physician in England that Cayson was acquaintances with for a third expert opinion. When his doc and good friend was satisfied – and not a moment sooner – Cayson released him. They’d planned to just stop by and check on Dana’s place before they continued to Ford’s, but when Dana went inside and sat down, his sore body quickly got comfortable on the soft leather sofa.

Dana was sitting on the far end of his sectional with the recliner all the way back. Ford knelt down next to him and put his hand on Dana’s whiskered jaw. “You good with that? Staying here? Because I am. Your place is great. We’ll stay here so you can rest and recover in your own bed.”

Dana smiled at him. That was enough confirmation. Ford stayed at Dana’s side, kept stroking his cheek. Still thanking god two days later that this amazing man was still with him.

“Kiss me,” Dana whispered, gazing right back at him.

Ford leaned over and pressed his mouth over Dana’s, immediately moaning at the suppleness of that full bottom lip. He sucked it into his mouth, flicking and teasing it with his tongue. Dana reached his right hand up and stroked Ford’s ungroomed beard, then began to tug him closer.

“Hey,” Ford protested gruffly, pulling back. “Trying to get me going, brat. You need to be resting.”