“My car’s been having problems and I haven’t had time to get it to a shop and I didn’t want to ride with Ford. He’s been in a worse mood than Duke lately, and frankly it’s pissing me off.”

Dana laughed as Brian continued to type and walk to the locker room.

“He needs a life… and a rough fuck, if you ask me.”

Dana’s smile fell slowly. Even the computerized voice couldn’t extinguish the fire he felt from hearing those words. The thought of Ford’s strong hips hammering into some woman was too much for him to visualize and walk upright at the same time. He stumbled behind Brian, but thank goodness Brian didn’t hear the shuffling. When they walked into the locker room, Quick was there leaning against the lockers, talking on the phone. He wore a black track suit and his long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and braided down his back. He gave them a brief acknowledgement when they walked past mouthing “ten minutes.”

Dana turned at his row of lockers and just barely kept himself from tripping again when he saw Ford standing there shirtless in nothing but a pair of long, black nylon gym pants. It wasn’t often he got to see Ford’s chest, but goddamn, when he did, he appraised it with his eyes as inconspicuously as possible. Jet black hair that laid beautifully across firm, bulging pecs. So big you could pour water in the valley between them. Dana’s eyes flicked downward for the briefest of seconds, to the slick trail of hair that disappeared into Ford’s waistband. He wished he knew how much hair was down there, covering his abdomen, around the base of his dick. He was sure his thighs had a vast amount on them too. Ford was a bear in its most gorgeous form. Dana’s mouth watered, his skin flushing with heat. Had it been that long for him? That long since Fisher walked away from him?

Ford’s coal-colored eyes glanced up at him, his thick brows going down into a slight frown before he turned back to pull a black wife beater out of his bag. He didn’t know why Ford looked at him the way he did, like he hated him and valued him all at the same time.

“What’s up, Ford. Ready for this training?”

“You’re paired with me today. Question is, are you ready?” Ford answered. His voice was rough, as though it was the first time he’d spoken all morning. His dark beard, coupled with that penetrating glare made him appear menacing. Eyes that were wise and mature spoke words that Ford’s mouth didn’t have to. Dana continued to look at him, refusing to avert his eyes. Ford didn’t intimidate him. He knew what the man was capable of, and all it did was intrigue him rather than scare him. He felt sometimes that Ford considered him a lesser man. He was sick of people doing that to him – underestimating him. He had his own unique talents that he contributed to their team, he deserved respect and he was damn sure going to demand it from Ford.

“Hell yeah, I am. Don’t think I’m going to hold back on you, old man.” Dana winked. He meant it as a joke, but the way Ford straightened, the muscles in his neck tightening, Dana knew he didn’t catch the humor. But he’d be damned if he was going to back pedal.

Ford walked up to him, putting them nose to forehead. Dana tilted his head up a fraction, squaring his own sculpted shoulders as he waited to see what Ford had to say. He was shocked when the back of his bicep was gripped and a thick forearm crashed over his chest, slamming him back against the lockers. Dana gritted his teeth at the force of the blow and grabbed onto Ford’s biceps, feeling them flex under his palms. They were huge, solid. Dana knew he wasn’t going anywhere until Ford released him… and he secretly liked that feeling. He looked up into Ford’s eyes, a slight smile appearing, to show he wasn’t scared.

“Grin all you want, you cocky little shit, but I’ll show you what this old man can do when I get you on that mat.” Ford ripped his arms away and walked up the row, turning the corner without a backwards glance.

Dana pulled in a breath of air and ran his hand over his chest where Ford’s arm had been. He felt hot and mildly embarrassed. He thought he’d played it off well, though. He should’ve known Ford wouldn’t take the joke for what it was. The man had no sense of humor… when it came to him, anyway. Dana had seen Ford laugh with his brother and smile when he was going over the latest military gadget he was able to get on the underground web, but lately the man refused to humor him. Dana dropped down on the small bench between the lockers. His big mouth had just written a check that his body was going to have to cash. Ford would be more than happy to teach his thirty-three-year-old ass a lesson in respecting his elders.