Dana’s weary smile made Ford want to whisk him away right then. “You mean like a vacation? Where would we go?”

“I have some place in mind. It’s a surprise.” Ford stroked Dana’s chin and leaned in for a chaste kiss. Neither of them was up for more. Still, Dana’s smile was what he’d been looking for. He’d missed it dearly this week. He needed that smile in his life. That smile was what started his day. Desperate to see it, Ford remembered Dana’s best friend, Sway, had told him that Dana loved surprises. So he went with it.

“Really? When can we go? Is it sunny and warm?” Dana pleaded quietly against Ford’s throat.

“Yes. Really warm,” Ford answered huskily, imaging Dana laid out on gorgeous white sand in tight trunks under the warm Cancún sun. He’d always wanted to go there, but it never seemed to be the right time. Or he made excuses that it wasn’t the right time. Ford had served with a lieutenant who was from Mexico and all he did was brag about it being the best place in the world to visit when one needed a reprieve… needed to get away. He and Dana needed that, like yesterday.

They had been together for two solid months now, they were practically living together in Ford’s home. Working together, coming home together, it wasn’t anything like Ford thought it’d be. He remembered thinking relationships were too hard, too time-consuming, too stressful, and although the start of their connection had been all those things and more, Ford wouldn’t change it. Not ever. Dana was everything to him, and each day that feeling got stronger.

Ford felt bad not telling Dana sooner that he’d looked into this trip, but he really had wanted it to be a surprise. Wanted to show Dana they could have a life. A real life together as a couple, just like Dana always wanted. He also wanted to show Dana he could keep up with him. While the age difference was not a bother to Dana, Ford still thought about it. He just wanted to reassure his younger lover that he wouldn’t be a drag on their relationship. Quite the opposite. Ford felt like a whole new chapter in his life had begun. He wanted to vacation, adventure, and see the world through new – in love – eyes.

The knowledge of a trip to paradise coming right after was what kept Ford going these past few days. It was only fair for Dana to have a little gleam of light at the end of this long, dangerous tunnel, too. And Ford told him just enough to get him excited but still make it a surprise.

“I love you, Ford.” Dana pulled Ford’s mouth down to his, this time making the kiss longer, wetter.

“I love you, too, babe,” Ford confessed, his voice abrasive, a look of utter seriousness crossing his hard features. He didn’t know why Dana trembled in his arms sometimes when he spoke, but he simply squeezed him tighter and kissed him longer.

Ford could hear Brian’s car pull up in his driveway. It was time. He knew this was it. They were going to encounter Grossman, and Ford had a horrible, sinking feeling that the man wasn’t giving up his freedom without a fight. Wasn’t going to let what happened with his brother go unpunished. Someone would pay before this man went down. Ford had two of the most important people in his life with him. The duty, the job, his responsibility to protect them weighed heavily on his shoulders. How would he keep them both in his sights, keep them both safe?

“Stop it. You have to trust me. I know I may not look it, but I’m ready. I got your back out there, you know that. I’m not taking my eyes off any of you. I promise.” Dana straightened his back and steeled his spine.

That was his man. Yes, somehow, Dana kept all of them under his watchful eye.

“I do trust you. You know that.” Ford tugged on the straps of Dana’s bulletproof vest, slamming their padded chests together.

“Then let’s go get this fucker so you can take me to my surprise.”

Ford nodded proudly as Dana hefted his bag and walked out the door.


It was cold and overcast, the day as dreary as Dana felt. The drive to one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Atlanta was quiet and tense. All of them getting on their game faces. It wasn’t the time to fill the cab with unnecessary chatter. It was distracting and annoying to all of them. Dana was in the zone and needed to stay that way. After being in the car for twenty minutes, he was finally feeling his Red Bull kick in. He’d hidden his stash of energy drinks from Ford, since he thought they were a ploy of the devil. Dana didn’t know how the man did it. His partner was like a machine. He was sure it was from Ford’s years of service. Hunting and trekking in conditions far worse than this and with even less sleep. Dana only wished he had half of the determination and bravery his SEAL possessed.