“Augh, god!” Dana arched his back and shouted when Ford took the flat of his tongue and licked the precome from the head of his cock and then the little that had pooled on his stomach. Dana groaned, “Ford, please.”

“Had to see if I liked it first,” Ford answered huskily from between Dana’s thighs. It looked like he was satisfied with Dana’s response and the taste. He wanted Ford to do what he’d just done again… and again, about twenty more times and that would be all it took.

But Dana was too intoxicated to tell if his partner enjoyed his essence. Ford’s slow, edging rhythm had him dazed and sizzling with desire. He could only stare in awe as Ford rolled Dana’s flavor around on his tongue. Oh, he hoped Ford liked it, or at least could tolerate it. For the love of all that is holy, please, say you like it. It’d been months since he’d had a warm mouth on him. So long since he’d been with someone who cared about what he wanted in bed, too.

“You want my mouth on you. I can feel it. You’re shaking,” Ford murmured in the sensitive crease between Dana’s thigh and groin.

“Yeah. I do. God, yes, please, Ford.”

“I won’t make you beg, Dana. I don’t understand, but I want this more than I’ve wanted anything in a long time. Want my mouth all over you, my hands, everything.” Ford squeezed both of Dana’s ass cheeks hard enough to make him curse. Ford’s big biceps flexed as he pushed Dana’s hips upwards and opened his mouth, taking in the purplish head and sucking it harder than Dana was ready for.

“Shit!” Dana eyes flew open. He looked down at his partner, his lover. Shocked at the intense concentration in Ford’s eyes. Shocked at the look of lust, showing beautifully over his masculine face. “Unnnnnh.” The suction was so strong, Ford’s cheeks caved in from the effort.

He didn’t want to shoot in Ford’s mouth – that might be overkill. His muddled brain was just coherent enough for that courteous thought. Dana breathed through his nose and tried to let it out of his mouth but it only ended up choking him. The pleasure was consuming. “It’s s’good. Oh my god. I can’t last, babe.”

With each suck, Ford would go down a little more. Testing his own limits. He didn’t ask for instruction, or even if he was doing it right. Ford let this act come instinctively. And oh hell, was he a natural. Even Ford’s jaws were unforgiving, relentless. Dana’s body shook while he fought for control. He was gonna come faster than a virgin on prom night. He clenched his hands in the covers as Ford continued to use his hands, his arms to regulate the tempo. Lifting and lowering Dana to however deep or shallow he wanted his cock in his mouth. Alternating between thirstily tonguing the beads of precome that kept accumulating at the tip of his cock and eagerly engulfing his length. Then, as if he’d forgotten about them and just remembered they were there, Ford cupped Dana’s heavy balls and rolled them in his hand while he sucked him down deep enough that Dana felt Ford’s soft beard against the base of his dick.

Dana’s back bowed off the bed as he released a sound he’d never heard himself make before. One that would’ve been embarrassing if he weren’t so far gone. He wanted to make this last so much longer but it was useless. He didn’t think anything would tamp down his orgasm. It was going to be like nothing he’d ever felt. His mind and body were both being dominated by Bradford King.

He couldn’t believe he’d gone so long without this kind of special attention. He considered himself a generous lover. Always wanting his partner to receive just as much – if not more – satisfaction as he did. But lately, that hadn’t been the case. Dana was practically starved for affection at this point. Just because Jessica would jump on him and ride him until she came, didn’t mean he was sexually satisfied at all. He was barely touched, hugged or kissed. There was always preparation he had to perform if he was going to put his hands on Jessica and vice-versa.

With Ford… with this man… he could be himself. He could just be Dana the marksman, the bounty hunter, and Ford would be happy with that. Proud of that. Proud of him.

The thought of this amazing man – a decorated SEAL – being proud of him was all he needed to tilt him over the ledge and send him falling hard. Dana was just able to clutch Ford’s shoulder and shout his name before his release exploded from him, blinding him for the first couple seconds, then wracking his body with violent tremors and jolts as Ford sucked every drop Dana had to give. Ford never hesitated like he wasn’t sure if he wanted that part of Dana or not. He took all of him, licked him clean, and from the look of fire in Ford’s black eyes when he finally pulled off, Dana knew the feeling had been mutual. Ford had wanted to do that to him and had enjoyed it just as much.