“Shit!” Dana jumped out of Ford’s arms and turned back to the smoking stove. The meat sizzled and popped as Dana flipped and pushed it around the pan. “Phew. Okay, it’s not burned.”

Ford went back to his duties, his chest feeling light, his heart feeling wonderful.

“So, what do you think?” Dana asked, shoving a huge chip loaded with meat, cheese, sour cream and a lot of other ingredients in his mouth.

“It’s good,” Ford finally answered when he’d swallowed his own mouthful. “Keep it up, a man can get used to this.”

“Me too.” Dana looked serious when he said it.

They finished eating, Ford joined in to help Dana clean up his kitchen. They worked effortlessly, moving around each other in the cramped space without much thought. The conversation came just as easily. Ford found himself wanting to know so much more about his partner. Wanting to know everything. Dana talked about his childhood, about Sway and his deceased twin, talked about his drunk dad, his marksman training, while Ford listened with interest.


It was comical the way Ford got ready for bed. It was obvious he was used to his evening ritual and his space being his own. Dana would’ve liked for them to have gotten into bed together, but Ford had a different idea. He told Dana to go ahead and get relaxed while he checked and locked up his house. Dana would’ve done it with him, but instead, he got in Ford’s bed and waited for him like he’d asked. He missed it if he was being honest, and had been nervous he wasn’t going to be invited back in it. Lying there in nothing but his black boxer briefs, he answered a quick text to Sway, then put his phone down when he heard Ford’s front door close and the locks engage.

Ford took a moment to stand in the bedroom doorway when he saw Dana sprawled across his big bed, then continued inside. Dana watched, engrossed, as Ford went about his regular routine. Placing his watch on the nightstand, a black Glock under his pillow, his boots in the corner. Then finally, the outerwear. Dana’s mouth watered with every stitch of clothes that Ford removed. It was his own personal sexy bear strip show and he couldn’t have pried his eyes away even if a purple alien had walked by. Neither took their eyes off each other until Ford was on top of him.

They both let out a sharp hiss when their hard bodies aligned and their solid cocks brushed against each other.

“Jesus,” Dana moaned, wrapping his hands around all that mass, relishing the feeling of muscles pressing him into the mattress. “I can’t believe you feel this good, Ford, fuck.”

Ford was breathing heavily against Dana’s neck, and every second or so, he felt Ford’s tongue grazing over his skin. “You… You do too.”

Dana pushed his hips up, rubbing eagerly against Ford’s slick cock. He was leaking so much, both of them were, it wasn’t long before they were sticky and wetly gliding over each other, letting nature take over. Thrusting and crushing together with a ferociousness Dana had never felt. Ford’s goddamn hips were so thick and powerful, the combination so hypnotic, Dana was sure he was going to blow any second.

“You keep doing that and I’m gonna be done, babe,” Dana breathed, squeezing Ford’s broad shoulders, touching him everywhere his hands could reach.

He felt Ford take a couple deep breaths against his throat – which did nothing to calm his arousal – then his hips gradually slowed to a torturous grind. Ford was so sensual and stimulating, his cock hungry but not greedy. A testament to the man’s maturity. Ford relaxed himself and set a completely different pace.

“Oh damn. This is… too slow. I’m gonna come, Ford.”

Ford growled, nipping Dana’s ear. “Not yet.”

Dana threw his arms out to the sides. He had to take them off Ford’s huge body. The flavor, the feeling, the sheer scent of Ford sent Dana’s mind into a frenzy. He was frustrated, trapped between wanting to release the pent-up need in his balls and wanting Ford to make it last forever. He was debating what he had to have right at that moment when he felt Ford’s body moving down farther and farther until Dana felt that thick beard brushing over the smooth hairs on his abdomen. Is he about to…? Dana was so still, not wanting to cause Ford to detour off course.

Calloused hands rubbed all over his thighs, spreading them even wider as Ford’s bulk fit obscenely between them. Ford made eye contact with him, still taking his time as he moved over Dana’s form. Looking like he appreciated every groove and ridge he saw. Ford’s breathing was labored, his body pulsating right along with Dana’s as he began to tremble with anticipation. Ford’s mouth was way too close to his hard cock that was curved up to his belly, a thin line of clear liquid connecting to his stomach. Would that gross Ford out? He wasn’t sure. God, he hoped not. His dick hadn’t been sucked in….