“If you say so,” Ford grumbled, leaning against the other wall, a table between them.

How had he gotten so far away?

Dana walked around the table and stood in front of Ford, looking up the couple inches of height difference into Ford’s smoky eyes. He hoped what he was getting ready to say would be the right thing this time, because Dana couldn’t stand the annoyed expression on Ford’s face any longer. “Look. I’m gonna level with you. I admit I was still feeling a bit insecure about us. It kinda feels like I’ve been begging for a shot with you – or at minimum, a decent work partnership – for months, and when I finally got it, I guess I was still hesitant to believe you meant it.”

Ford bent down until their foreheads were touching and Dana was able to take a much-needed breath of relief. Because he had been sure he’d blown it. Dana tangled his fingers in Ford’s dense beard and pulled him down the last couple inches until their lips touched. Gently at first and then more forcefully, until they were moaning into each other’s mouths and gripping one another tightly. When they finally pulled apart, Dana was gasping for air. Ford’s touch literally took his breath away.

“Does this mean you forgive me?” Dana asked, widening his stance so he was low enough to bury his nose in Ford’s soft beard. Damn. He even smells good here.

Ford growled, still holding Dana against his thick body while he laid down the law. “It means that if I leave you in my bed, Dana, that’s where you better be when I return.”

“I shouldn’t’ve have doubted or assumed. That’s my bad, okay. Next time,” please let there be a next time, “I won’t leave. Even if you don’t come back for days, I’ll still be there waiting for you, Bradford.”

“Good,” Ford bit out.

Dana smiled. He took it for what it was. Ford keeping a tight grip on his control. It was probably to guard himself more than anything, because as sensitive as Dana was about his heart, he knew Ford was even more sensitive and overprotective about his own.

Dana flicked his tongue out and slowly ran it across Ford’s bottom lip, tasting coffee and sweet pastries. “You taste too sweet to talk so hard.”

Ford held back his full-on smile, only giving Dana a quick lift of one side of his mouth. It was enough, and sexy as hell. “What you taste is your breakfast.”

Dana leaned back, looking a little confused until he realized that Ford had mentioned getting breakfast for them. “If it makes you feel any better… I’m still hungry.”

Ford gripped the back of Dana’s neck. “It doesn’t.”

Neither of them said anything for a moment. Not needing to fill the silence with more apologies or explanations. Simply standing close was good enough. The front door burst open and Dana heard his bosses’ strong voices carry to the back of the building.

“Guess it’s time to get to it. We only got a few hours on the streets now. Duke said he wants us to rein it in about nine tonight,” Ford informed them.

They looked at their watches.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” Ford was slow to release him. Dana noticed it because he didn’t want to stop touching Ford either.

Dana was nervous to ask the question and he probably should wait a bit longer until he was sure Ford had cooled completely, but he wanted to make it up to Ford. Wanted to be in his bed all morning. He wanted another chance. “Do you want me to come over after work?” Dana felt like ducking his head in the crook of Ford’s neck but he was too much of a man to do that. He looked Ford in his eyes, waiting for his answer. Waiting for Ford to make up his mind.

“Yes,” Ford finally replied.


After Duke and Quick finished chewing their asses out for causing them all to miss practically an entire day on the streets, they’d only been able to work a few hours and to no avail. They both knew how important this case was, so Ford had sat there beside his partner – silently supporting him – while he took his lashings. It was okay to take a personal day when the caseload was light, but not when they were hunting. Duke didn’t play that. And Dana knew personal shit had to be kept out of the office. They couldn’t call off because they were mad and having a bad morning. His little brat. Ford knew the real reason Dana had avoided the office this morning and most of the early afternoon. He’d been mad and afraid of seeing Ford. But he kept his mouth closed.

Ford finished showering and grooming his beard that Dana seemed to like so much. Who knew the man was so into hair? He’d dated women so much, Ford thought his rough features and hairy body would’ve been a turnoff to him. Ford couldn’t’ve been more wrong. He’d just finished throwing on a pair of blue US NAVY sweats and a white tank top when his doorbell rang. He may not look as gorgeous as Dana, but he was smelling clean and had even dabbed on a little aftershave. It was as much primping as he could manage.