Ford got up and slowly followed Dana into the break room. There was no one there but the two of them, so he had no clue why Dana felt he needed the extra privacy. Maybe this was the part where he told Ford he’d realized this morning that he’d made a big mistake and that’s why he left. Well, Dana could save it. He didn’t care. Ford came into the room, almost walking right to the coffee pot, but changed his mind. He’d had enough caffeine, he already could hardly sit still. He wanted nothing more than to charge Dana, wrap his arms around his body, and shake him until he understood how badly he was frustrating him.

“I can’t believe you, Ford.” Dana whirled around, his teeth clenched together, his words hissing between them. “I trusted you, man. I put myself out there and you… you hustled me. I can’t believe you talked all that shit about Jessica, and look what you turn around and do. I deserve better, huh? You ain’t treating me no better, Bradford. That bullshit you—”

He’d heard enough. Ford pushed off the chair so hard it flipped over. Dana’s eyes widened a split second before Ford reached out and yanked him by his collar, pulling him into his chest. Their angry, scowling faces on a couple inches apart. “How dare you compare me to her? And I’ve never fuckin’ hustled anyone in my life.”

“Why, then?” Dana’s boldness deflated so fast, Ford wondered if it was ever there to begin with. Dana looked so beaten and tired, Ford had an overwhelming urge to take it all on himself and make him smile again. He didn’t know how Dana had ended up the one hurt by all this, but there had obviously been some major miscommunication. “Why’d you do that? That was messed up. I woke up and you’d left.”

Ford realized he was still holding onto Dana but his grip was no longer as aggressive. Instead, his fingers were lightly caressing Dana’s throat. Ford eased in closer. “Yes, Dana. I left you in my bed. Warm. Relaxed. Resting. I didn’t do anything to hurt you. I watched you sleep. There was so much going on in my head, so much I wanted to say to you.”

“Then why’d you leave?” Dana snapped.

“Are you that impatient, brat?” Ford held Dana’s face in his big hands. His mouth was just barely brushing Dana’s pursed lips. “I went for a run, goddamnit. I drove to the park. Ran to clear my head. I stopped and got us breakfast. When I came back… you were gone. I came back for this, and you were fuckin’ gone.” Ford crashed his mouth over his partner’s, pulling Dana into him to show he was back in control.

When Ford let Dana go, he wavered on his feet, finally opening his eyes. Dana licked his swollen mouth, eyeing Ford with confusion and a little embarrassment. “I thought you. I thought you left.”

Ford ran his hand over his short strands, looking away to hide his own frustration. He didn’t have time for this. He couldn’t help but think of how shitty his morning was, all because Dana had misunderstood his actions. And instead of talking with him about it, the man flew off half-cocked.

“Jesus. Okay. I’m sorry. I really am, Ford.” Dana put his hand on Ford’s shoulder and he shrugged it off without a second thought.

He was mad.

“I thought that… fuck… come on, Ford. You can see my point of view, right? I mean, come on.”

“I don’t have the time or the patience for Mickey Mouse shit, Dana,” Ford argued.

“Excuse me?” Dana glowered.

“You heard me. If I say something, Dana, you should know I mean it. I’ve never told you one thing and done the opposite.” Ford didn’t pull away again when Dana approached cautiously. He wanted his touch and didn’t have the strength to pull away from it again. “You can’t run every time you’re unsure of something. I’ve chased people all of my adult life, Dana. I love doing it. And I’m far from done. But I won’t chase you. I shouldn’t have to. If you want me like you say, then I’m standing right here. Why are you going in the opposite direction?”


Dana had never felt so damn young and inferior in all his life. He liked to brag about his maturity but honestly, he couldn’t be sure he had any claim left to it after the ridiculousness he’d just pulled. For a long time, he’d been trying to win Ford’s approval and affection, and as soon as he thought he had it, he’d managed to annihilate both sentiments in a matter of hours.

He stood there looking at Ford after what he’d just said. Dana wasn’t sure how many times he needed to apologize… again. He wasn’t even sure at this point if they were still giving this a try. “I’m not running.”