Ford stepped out of the shower, drying off with a scratchy towel that was too small to fit around his waist. He looked around at the untouched space on his way to his one dresser. His home was bare and desolate. He didn’t have a partner to make his room nice for and he was fine with that. He had plenty to deal with without that kind of distraction. His brother barking at him every five minutes was enough. Relationships required a type of work and dedication that Ford couldn’t fulfill at this stage in his life.

He’d had some damn good times, tapping asses with his team back in his enlisted days, but those years were gone. Ford dropped down on the edge of his full-sized bed and reclined back on the firm mattress. He didn’t think about his days as a Special Warfare Scout anymore. Couldn’t reflect long on the experiences and battles if he wanted to protect his sanity. He still missed it. Bounty hunting was as close as he’d get to quenching the thirst of his need to hunt.

It was too quiet. He turned on the television to stop the random thoughts playing out in his head, the station already tuned into the game he’d been watching at Bennigan’s. He smirked when he remembered how Dana tried to steal glances at the ball game while eating with his girl. Ford watched her bite his head off the moment she caught him. Idiot. He was probably back at his place right now receiving his compensation for playing the ever-attentive boyfriend.

Ford abandoned the thought of Dana fucking his woman. He didn’t need the visual. He pulled on a pair of boxers and got in bed, tucking his .45 under the extra pillow beside him. Looking at his high-tech watch – which was synced and exactly like those worn by his entire team – on the side of the bed, he noticed it was almost eleven. Early for most people, but Ford figured he might as well go ahead and try to get some sleep. They had training early tomorrow. Duke and Quick made sure they stayed conditioned for suspect takedowns and didn’t allow their submission techniques to get rusty. Ford liked Quick as an instructor, and the martial arts expert he hired was knowledgeable in his field. Ford knew plenty about subduing suspects but he was never cocky in thinking he knew it all. He prided himself on always being prepared, and that required regular training. He hoped he was partnered with Duke tomorrow, because after slapping Dana on his back when he walked by him in the restaurant, the man was undoubtedly eager to get a retaliatory cheap hit in on him when they sparred. Sure, the slap was probably uncalled for, but Dana needed some sense knocked into him. Ford felt the need to be the one to do it.


“I really don’t like the guys you work with, Dana. I mean, what was that? He assaulted you right there in front of everyone,” Jessica complained from inside the bathroom. She’d just gotten out of the shower and was rubbing a heavily floral-scented lotion over her arms and legs while he watched the highlights of the game. He didn’t pay much attention to her, she always had something negative to say about everyone he associated with. But he didn’t like her talking shit about Ford or Brian. They were good men. Men he respected.

“Those men fought for this country, Jess. They’ve been through things you couldn’t imagine,” Dana retorted. When she huffed a sigh, he took a long gulp of his beer, happy he could drink freely now that he was back home.

“I don’t care what they did. That doesn’t mean they can go around putting their hands on people.” She came out of the bathroom wearing a pale pink sheer nightgown that stopped just above her smooth thighs. “I don’t like them. And they were rude to me, interrupting the conversation when I was talking.”

Dana didn’t grit his teeth, but he wanted to. She was so privileged and sheltered, he knew it’d be pointless to try to get her to understand.

“I wish you’d leave that job. I think you can do so much better,” she said softly, straddling his lap. He saw the sexy gesture for what it was. A way to distract him.

“I love my job. I keep people safe, Jess. We keep people safe.”

“Oh yeah? How?” she purred, stroking his bare chest.

“What do you mean, how? You know what we do. We take dangerous criminals off the street and make sure they appear in court or serve their time. You’d be amazed how many fugitives walk around you every day. Some of them are—” Dana moved her hands away. “Never mind.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you. I simply recognize your potential, honey.” Jessica began to work her lean hips on him, her soft blonde hair falling over his face like a sweet-scented waterfall. “There’s nothing wrong with a lady wanting her man to succeed.”