He wasn’t concerned about the police. Even if he was arrested, Vaughan would get him out, before they could process him all the way. The man was a brilliant lawyer. Brian found the door marked Men’s Room and burst inside to warn his guy that they had to get out of there, but to his surprise, no one was there. He was gone.

Commotion and chaos went on just outside the door, but he was oblivious. Brian stood there staring at the empty stalls, his mind refusing to believe that he’d given his all for nothing. He’d taken a risk and opened up to a stranger. Let him touch his ailment, his weakness. Refused to hide. Why wasn’t his angel there like he said he’d be? Brian walked past each open stall just to be sure. When he got to the last door, he knew he wouldn’t find him in there but his heart still sank when he pushed the door open to find the stall empty. Wincing, Brian realized he was squeezing the hell out of his phone. He looked at the screen, the app still up and waiting for him to type what he needed to say. Too late. There was no one there for him to talk to. Not now, maybe not ever. He’d run away from Brian… like they all did. They were scared of him. Scared of his silence... and so was he.


Dana had hoped Ford would want to shower with him, but when he’d mentioned cleaning up, Ford had simply nodded his okay and let him go in the bathroom alone. It was fine. It was also very early. If that was Ford’s first real intimacy with a man, then he’d take it easy and not let little things offend him. Jessica’s constant berating had left him slightly insecure, but he was working on that. Ford didn’t like anything except one hundred percent confidence.

Dana looked at his watch. It was almost three in the morning. They were going to be dead to the world when they made it into the office today. That’s also something they were used to: operating on little sleep. Dana brushed his teeth with the spare he had in his bag, but he couldn’t resist washing with Ford’s soap. He was one of the few men that still used a bar instead of body wash and a poof. It smelled so good, Dana wondered if it was something as simple as Dial or Men’s Dove, mixed with Ford’s natural scent.

Dana stepped out of the bathroom as quietly as possible. He heard Ford’s deep breathing before the soft snores reached him. He smiled. It’d been a while since he’d heard the arousing, yet soothing, sound of a man’s slumber. Dana took his handgun from his bag and tucked it under the pillow on the left side since Ford seemed to prefer the right. He removed the towel from around his waist and thought about throwing caution to the wind and sliding under those soft covers completely naked and sealing his body around the man he’d lusted after so many nights. He watched Ford sleep for a couple minutes before he shook away the daring thoughts, slid on his clean pair of boxer briefs and eased under the covers.

Ford shifted and turned to look at him after Dana got comfortable. “I was wondering if you were going to watch me sleep the whole time or if you were gonna join me.”

“It’s taking a minute for all this to sink in,” Dana answered, turning so that they lay on their sides facing each other. Dana couldn’t resist scooting closer until they were circulating the same air between them. “I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

“Wanted?” Ford stressed.

Dana rolled his eyes. “Triviality. Stop dissecting everything I say. Yes, I wanted you… and still do want you, Ford.”

Ford snaked his arm under Dana’s ribs and pulled until he was sprawled on top of him. Ford’s strength never ceased to amaze Dana. With only one arm, he’d moved Dana’s entire body and positioned it on top of his much larger one with barely an ounce of effort. It was enough to make him want to come again.

Dana repositioned himself, spreading his legs until his revived hardness rubbed against Ford’s. Dana closed his eyes, his head reeling at the amazing sensations. “Damn. Your body is so hard. I knew it would be. In my dreams you were solid. Able to restrain me with one hand.” He wasn’t really speaking to Ford, more like murmuring to himself in disbelief.

Ford’s hands were all over him when Dana came out of his trance. He was on top of Ford. It was all so surreal. He’d been cheated on and dumped all in the same night, but this was by far the best night of his life. Dana lifted his ass higher when he felt calloused hands squeezing his cheeks roughly. It was blatantly inviting, and he hoped Ford would accept.