Brian: Yep. Send me the address.

The club was not what Brian had expected. He’d had the Uber drop him off about two blocks down from the empty warehouse. When he approached, there were two men standing outside, dressed in all black… so was Brian. They gave him a quick appraisal, one of the men looked like he appreciated what he saw, the other looked cautious. When Brian made it to the door, he slowly reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone. He showed a screenshot of his pass and without a word, the taller, more receptive of the two, opened the door and ushered Brian inside. A man dressed in a bowtie and G-string hurried to him, presenting a tray of shot glasses, half full of a light amber liquid. Brian took a glass and downed it with one gulp. Tequila. The good kind, too. Brian set it down and graciously accepted another, the young man watching intently as Brian swallowed down the second.

“Anything more I can get you, sir? Anything at all?” The server asked, his tone and body language implying he wasn’t only offering up premium liquor, if Brian was interested. He wasn’t. The guy looked to be in his twenties. Brian liked them pretty, but mature.

Brian shook his head and placed a folded bill on the guy’s tray, not sure where he was storing his tips. With a courteous smile, the young man flittered away to some men standing at the end of a long, winding stairwell. There was also an elevator, but Brian choose to take the scenic route. When he passed the guys at the stairs, one of them reached out and hooked Brian’s elbow, stopping him with a simple raise of his brow. The man was handsome as hell with an air of distinguished authority lingering around him. He wore a navy-blue power suit and a welcoming smile, but he screamed top. Brian wasn’t interested in a contest. He wanted a sweet, tight, willing body to plow into. He didn’t see anyone on the first floor that fit that description. Most people milling about seemed to be networking and making business contacts, not looking to get laid. Brian was going to kill Rod if he’d wasted his time.

He retracted his elbow as non-aggressively as he could, rejecting his second offer of the night. The business tycoon looked unaffected as he turned back to the men he’d been conversing with. Before Brian reached the top of the stairs, he could already hear the suggestive moans and smell the scent of sex lingering just outside the red velvet curtain blocking the entrance.

Brian dipped inside and the sudden darkness kept him from moving any further. He waited for his eyes to adjust. There were purple and red lights high up on the ceiling, giving the room sexy splashes of erotic lighting here and there. Most areas in the gutted-out warehouse were extremely dark and private. The windows were all either panted black or covered with curtains. Brian took another couple steps inside, his eyes finally adjusting enough for him to see what was going on around him. Jesus. Bodies were everywhere. There were couches, beds, swings, huge pillows, and blankets covered every available area of the floor. Some parties had as many as ten people, writhing and touching all over each other, and some couches had only a couple. No one was concerned about who could see whom. As he moved through the crowd, he was again propositioned, touched, and asked to join in. He wasn’t into the group thing. Nothing he saw interested him. The sounds and moans coming from every direction had his dick hard and ready to play, but no one caught his eye.

Brian posted up against the wall all the way in the back, concealed by darkness. He’d noticed a quiet, secluded spot behind the stairwell that led to the private rooms along the perimeter. If he happened to see anyone he was interested in, he’d have a spot to take them where they wouldn’t be seen, could have some privacy. Brian let the two shots course through his body, warming him deep inside while he kept up his hunt. He should’ve grabbed another from the bar before he came up, but nonetheless. He didn’t want whisky dick. If he got lucky, he wanted to give the man a good time.


He’d been standing there for over an hour and was about to call it quits when he saw a timid face peek though the curtains on the other side of the room, followed by a compact body stepping through. From the distance, Brian couldn’t see the man’s facial expression clearly, but as he moved through the packed room, flashes of red and purple would hit his face and Brian caught glimpses of his slightly uncomfortable look. Brian could also see he was all man. Shorter than six foot, maybe five six or five seven. Longish hair that curled at the ends and pale skin. Brian gasped and swallowed when the guy turned around like he was going to run but instead steeled his spine and turned back to walk farther into the room. Eyes wide with shock, the man moved through the space, fighting off twice as many advances as Brian had. What did he expect? Brian needed a more in depth look. He appreciated the mood-setting ambiance, but the lack of lighting kept him from really seeing those beautiful features. But Brian could see a strong, tight little body was visible underneath those casual clothes.