“We do now,” Dana quipped right back, then averted his eyes to Jessica. “This is just my type of hangout.”

“I can tell.” New Boyfriend said drily.

“Pipe down, Jameson.” The small man sitting beside Brian inserted. “These men are guests. Let me buy you two a drink, please. We hardly ever get to meet friends of Jessica’s.”

“Ditto,” Dana added, still staring at Jessica. She looked like she wanted to crawl under the table and cry until Dana went away. No chance in hell he was leaving now. Right at that moment the waiter came over, one hand tucked behind his back, the other resting in front of him with a crisp white hand towel draped over his forearm.

“I see we have a couple of newcomers. May I get you a menu, sir? Perhaps a drink?” The waiter smiled warmly.

“We do.” Brian’s admirer answered before Jessica could stop him. “And I would like to buy these important-looking men whatever they desire.” Dana didn’t miss how he stressed that particular word and directed it towards Brian. It was amazing that the man never uttered a word, but just a look from him could have men and women leaking in their pants.

Dana pretended to think about it, then shrugged coolly and asked the waiter for two Schorschbock 57s, like he drank them all the time. That would be impossible even if Duke gave him a considerable raise. Thank god for Brian’s new fan, or Dana would’ve asked for water.

“My name is Sascha Orlov. I’m a buyer for the boutique with Ms. Jessica.” He held out his hand to Brian first, holding on to it for much longer than necessary, then reached over and did the same to Dana. His hand was baby soft and Dana found himself not wanting to grip it too hard. “Pleasure.”

“Likewise.” Dana smiled.

Sascha introduced the other three ladies at the table as more coworkers.

“And what do you do?” The woman with the largest diamond earrings he’d ever seen in anyone’s ear, finally joined in, eyeing them curiously.

Dana leaned back against the booth, showcasing his full swagger. “We’re bounty hunters.”

There were excited expressions and a few oohhs and ahhhs sounded around the table. Not only from the ladies but from Sascha, too. “That’s incredible.” The small man preened, inching a little closer to Brian.

Dana thought it was gutsy as hell. But if Brian had been straight, the guy would’ve picked up on Brian’s disinterest and perhaps toned it down. However, the way Brian’s sharp, black eyes raked over the man’s face and body, it was clear his flirting wasn’t offensive. Brian slowly winked down at Sascha and Dana could almost smell the man’s arousal kicking into overdrive. Dana had a thought. Since it looked like Jessica would rather stab Dana in his side with her sharp, nude-colored talons than sit there with him another minute, he didn’t think he’d get any answers from her – even if he agreed to crawl in a hole and never invade her posh hangout again. That thought didn’t hurt him in the least. There was only one person whose opinion mattered. He turned and looked back towards the DJ stand and saw Ford was still there, not even pretending like he wasn’t watching. Dana’s chest expanded with the thought of the SEAL being his soon.

The waiter brought their beers and tried to present them in the same fashion their lady bartender had but Dana stopped him mid-flourish. “That won’t be necessary, buddy.” Dana took the beer bottle, not requiring the frosted glass either and turned it up to his mouth, gulping down almost half before he set it back down. Jessica scoffed and turned her body away from him, leaning into her stuffy man. At least he didn’t release a loud belch like he wanted to. He did have some class, whether she thought so or not. Brian took his and did the same, licking his full bottom lip, putting on a nice show for Sascha, and the other ladies, as well.

“Would you like to see a menu, sir? Or hear tonight’s specials? The forty-day old, aged Wagyu Beef with fingerling potatoes is our best-seller this evening.” The waiter suggested, looking between him and Brian.

Dana had no clue what that waiter was talking about. But whatever expired, foreign meat he was trying to sell them… Dana wasn’t buying.

“Did you say, Wagyu? Oh, no, thank you. My partner and I prefer the pseudo beef they serve at Taco Bell,” Dana chuckled. The waiter laughed along with the entire table – except Jessica and her date – Brian covering his smile behind his fist and a fake cough. Okay, that he’d said just to tick Jessica off.

“And to think I almost didn’t come out tonight, but I’m so glad I did,” Sascha purred in Brian’s direction. “So, does he always do the talking and you do the watching… observing.”