“They don’t close until two. That’s three hours from now. Just see what she knows,” Ford translated for Brian. “He said he’ll go with you.”

Dana shook his head in disbelief. He wanted to leave right at that moment. He could if he said the words. Technically, he was the one with field command. Despite Ford and Brian’s combined years of experience and sheer military excellence, Dana was the watchman. His job was to identify and eliminate threats in the field. He also had the authority to pull the plug and abort the plan if necessary to protect his team. Wanting to save face with his conniving girlfriend wasn’t a reason to abort, because his primary job description was to get his bosses the information they asked for by any means necessary. When no other option came to mind, Dana huffed. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”


Confronting Jessica was the last thing Dana’d been expecting to do when he walked into the overpriced, ostentatious club. But as he stood there gritting his teeth, not liking what his team was suggesting, he knew he had no choice. They were running out of time on this case. The Grossmans would be out of their reach soon if they didn’t make some headway. Not only would that be a ton of money lost on the bounty, but Dana desperately wanted those killers off the streets.

Dana walked across the room with Brian on his heels. As he got closer he could hear his soon to be ex-girlfriend’s laughter filtering through the continual chatter in the dining area. The man she was nestled close to had his arm draped over her shoulder while he whispered something to her that made her blush and lick her glossed lips. The entire scene made his stomach turn and he had the impulse to turn around and go back. He stopped mid-stride and stared. He felt a gentle nudge in his back that finally got him moving again.

Jessica didn’t see him until he was standing over her. A shadow blocking the bright lights that were shining on her. Without even looking up, Jess held her glass up in his direction. “I’ll have another.”

Seriously. She thought he was the damn server. And even if he had been their waiter, was that how she asked for what she wanted? By not even respecting them enough to look them in the face. When her glass lingered there in the air, a man sitting in her group cleared his throat, finally capturing Jess’ attention. “I don’t think he’s our server, though I wouldn’t mind if he was… or you.” The man said, eyeing Brian.

Jessica blinked, then turned her head and looked up at him. Dana tried not to have a pissed-off look, but he had a feeling he’d fallen short. Her mouth gaped open like a fish for a couple seconds before she composed herself and smiled affectionately at him. “Dana, what… how’d you… what are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing. May we join you?” Dana was already sliding in, pushing Jessica closer to her date.

“No, um.”

“Sure.” The man who was still eyeing Brian hurried to say and scooted over, patting the seat beside him. Without taking his eyes off the man, Brian slid his big body into the booth next to him, not making a sound. “Jessica, please introduce us to your friends.”

Jessica was looking so confused and mostly humiliated that Dana started to feel glad he’d come over. Jess’ image was everything to her. Surely, her pompous group wanted to know how in the world she knew these men. With a toss of her hair, she sat up straighter. “Dana, can I talk to you in private, please?”

Dana looked at Brian and got his subtle no.

“Wow, Jess. Pump your brakes, girl. I actually been wanting to meet some of your friends.” Dana looked around the table. “My name is Dana Cadby, and across from me is my colleague, Brian King, I’m an old acquaintance of Jessica’s. We used to be an item, I guess you can say.” Dana turned on his full mega-watt smile and a couple of the ladies at the far end of the booth gushed and turned to give Jessica “that’s unbelievable” looks.

Dana had to crowd in closer to Jessica unless he wanted to fall out of the booth. He felt her aggressively squeeze his thigh under the table, but he didn’t flinch, still watching the reaction of the table. They looked intrigued, almost fascinated, as their eyes bounced from him to Brian, taking in their dark clothes, leather coats, and ass-kicking boots.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you two here before. Do you have memberships?” Jessica’s new man decided to speak up, peering around Jessica to look at Dana. The disdain was all over his face. He looked just like the type that Jessica’s rich daddy would approve of. The jacket to his expensive suit was gone, but his shirt and tie were enough to show he had plenty of money. His hair was cut in a style that reeked of corporate America.