Dana and Ford both drank at the same time. Dana frowned in disbelief at the smooth, amber liquid and took another deep gulp, amazed at how delicious it was. Where the hell was this from, again? Brian was casually drinking his like his palate wasn’t impressed. But Dana knew it was bullshit, because Brian was already three-quarters finished when their bartender made her way back to them, wiping the bar with a thick, soft cloth as she did.

“What do you think, gentlemen?” She was looking at Brian, but Dana spoke up.

“It’s amazing. I’ll have another when you get a chance.”

“And how about you, tall, dark and handsome. Would you like another?”

Brian set his empty glass down and pushed it towards her, silently answering yes.

“Someone’s gonna make me work for it, huh?” She threw Brian a sultry look before turning and sashaying away to get their beers.

Dana looked up and saw Ford standing next to one of the bouncers at the edge of the dance floor. The man looked like he wasn’t interested in what Ford was saying because he kept trying to inch away. That meant Ford was striking out on the information front. They had to get going. When the sweet server returned with their second round, Dana started up a conversation.

“So how long you been working here?”

She smiled and began to wipe again at the spotless white bar. “Since college. About seven years.”

“Seriously? You enjoy it that much?” Dana gave her his undivided attention. What most women wanted.

“I majored in secondary education. But honestly, this pays way more than teachers make in Atlanta’s public school system. Once I have enough saved, then I’ll do what I love most… teach.”

“That’s pretty awesome, girl. Beauty and brains to match.” Dana gave her a good once over.

She blushed from head to toe, absently waving him off, but her eyes secretly begged for more compliments. Dana kept going. “I bet you’d be an amazing teacher.”

“And what makes you say that?”

Dana shrugged. “Just a hunch.”

Her eyes cut back to Brian. “Does your friend always play hard to get?”

Dana looked up at Brian, still standing at his six foot three height. “No. Not always. He’s actually looking for someone.”

She perked up immediately. “Who? I’m sure I can help if they’re a regular here.”


“We got an invite from Ray’s girl, Diamon, to come check out the place.” Dana looked around nonchalantly. “But we haven’t seen her yet. Do you know her?”

As if someone had flipped their sweet bartender’s bipolar switch, her entire demeanor did a one-eighty. Her back went rigid and her inviting smile transformed into a grimace of fear. Dana watched, dumbfounded.

“Diamon?” she whispered.

“Yes. Have you seen her here tonight?”

The woman stepped back, shaking her head at them. “No… I mean… I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

Dana slowly rose from his stool, trying to calm her down. “It’s fine. If I knew what car she drives, I could just go look myself.”

“I… I don’t know. I’m sorry, I have to go now. It’s time for my break.” She hurried down the bar too fast for Dana to stop her without raising his voice and drawing attention.

“Fuck,” Dana hissed, downing the rest of his beer. “These guys got everyone terrified.”

Another bartender came over and placed a black billfold in front of them and walked away. It was obvious their lady wasn’t coming back. Dana scanned the bar, but she was nowhere to be found. He picked up the jacket and opened it, his fingers fumbling the bill before he steadied it. “Jesus H. What the fuck! Two hundred forty-nine dollars for four beers.” Dana looked wide-eyed up at Brian. “Did you know those damn beers were fifty bucks a pop?”

Brian shook his head, his hardened façade dropping for a moment and a mocking grin replacing it.

Dana blew out a hard, frustrated sigh. “Well, going half on it, won’t be too—”

Brian began to back away, signing he was going to the bathroom.

“Fuck you, Brian.” Dana sneered. “Get back here and pay half.”

Brian gestured again, “I’ll be back.”

Dana gritted his teeth as Brian moved through the crowd, farther away from their ridiculous tab. Son of a bitch. Well, she can forget about a tip, that’s for damn sure. When Dana pulled out his wallet and placed his credit card on the bar, he noticed forty-one dollars of the bill was gratuity, so the joke was on him. Great. Now he was going to have to tweak his budget for the rest of month. He was still mumbling obscenities when the other bartender came to run his card.

“Who exactly are you talking too?” Ford was standing next to him. “You look like a lunatic, standing here bitching yourself out.”

“If you saw this damn tab, you would too.” Dana signed the slip when it was placed back in front of him. Ford peered over and gave a low whistle.