“Who are—?” Before the man could finish his question, his eyes traveled down Dana’s chest to the gold star with engraved black lettering: BOUNTY HUNTER. The only warning Dana had that the man was about to bolt was the widening of his deep brown eyes and the determination in his glare. He took off in the opposite direction, towards the back of the house. He had a good jump off but he was no match for Dana’s agility or speed. In a few steps he’d walked the guy down, practically running right up beside him when he swept his feet from under him and sent him crashing – back first – to the filthy pavement.

“For a man wearing a track suit, you’re exceptionally slow.” Dana smirked, looking down at the man he’d just sent feet first into the air. He was still groaning about his back, but it didn’t stop him from reaching in his pants pocket and pulling out a switchblade, a quick flip of his finger had the blade snapping open with an intimidating click.

Dana lifted the hem of his shirt, showing off one of his Glocks tucked securely in his waistband, shaking his head in annoyance. “Please. You’ve brought a knife to a gun fight. Put that thing away and get up. You tell us why you were snooping around over there and I might let you stay up.”

“I thought you were about to tell me I had a warrant.” The guy frowned, wiping off his pants leg as he made his way up off the ground.

“Maybe you do have warrants, but I’m not in the mood to check. You cooperate and my mood will stay that way.” Dana flicked his head toward the house. “Now what were you looking for?”

“I was just wondering what the hell was going on… that’s all. I heard they’d moved out.”

“Who’s they?” Ford growled from behind the man.

“Jesus, man! Don’t do that.” Track Suit had to be wondering how a man as huge as Ford had snuck up on him without a sound. Not even the faint crunch of gravel under his large boots could be heard if he didn’t choose.

“Grossmans’ men. There was a ton of activity around here about a week ago. My sister and little niece stay a few doors down. They were scared. There was a shooting and those two criminals were part of it. Next thing she tells me is the house was gutted and boarded up. I just wanted to see for myself that they weren’t coming back. Are y’all close to catching them? If you’re not looking for me then you must be here looking for them.”

Track Suit wasn’t lying. He looked nervous for his sister. Dana understood what it was like having loved ones that were subjected to rough environments. This man was just trying to get some answers for his sister. “Stop poking your nose in business that’s not yours. The Grossmans could have men sitting on this house, too. And you weren’t even trying to be slick about it.”

“I ain’t afraid of them… none of ’em.”

“Maybe they’ll put that on your gravestone. Go on. Go. Stay out of this business,” Ford ordered gruffly, turning back towards the house.

The man mumbled something in Spanish and walked off in the opposite direction. He and Ford headed back towards the house. This time, Dana a couple steps behind Ford. Ford stopped at the window and ripped off the loose board with one hand, shining a bright flashlight inside with the other. Nothing. Trash, beer bottles, paraphernalia, a few busted-up tables, milk crates and a vast amount of trash littered the entire first floor. There was nothing here they could use. Back in the truck, Dana had a regretful feeling they weren’t about to resume the conversation they’d been having prior to the interruption.

“I’m gonna send this photo to Brian anyway to make sure that guy’s face doesn’t pop up again later.” Ford pushed a few buttons on the high-tech camera then set it back inside the console before leaving the dark neighborhood.

“I don’t think he was playing us. If so, he’s wasting his talents here, he should be acting in Hollywood.” Dana fastened his seatbelt and pulled up the next address.

“No, I don’t think he was lying, I’m just being cautious. I’m pretty good at spotting deception,” Ford said confidently.

“Are you really?” Dana responded roughly. As soon as Ford came to a full stop at the intersection, Dana turned and gave Ford a look he hoped he could see and decipher. It was an open and honest confession. I really like you.


It was after two in the morning. Ford dropped down in bed, his body still flushed and damp from his hot shower. What he should’ve done was taken a cold one. He felt unsettled and warm all over. He still felt like things were tense between him and his partner. It sounded like they’d agreed to let it go, though it felt like anything but.