His job as a bounty hunter was demanding and time consuming, the hours irregular, but he loved every minute of it. Working for Duke and Quick at Duke’s Bail Bonds and Recoveries was a dream come true for a roughneck like him. His father used to tell him he’d never amount to shit, but look at him now. He was a decorated marksman, worked for one of the most respected men in Atlanta’s criminal justice community, owned his own condo, and had a team that loved him. More than that fucker ever accomplished. Only thing he’d like to add to his successes was a loving wife… or husband.

Dana could almost feel Ford’s commanding presence when he walked into the crowded restaurant. He was sitting in the bar area with his brother, Brian, appearing to be having another one of their heated exchanges. He couldn’t help but think: What has Brian done now? Ford was always on his younger brother about something. Dana knew this because he was with them so much. When Ford and Brian were first brought on by Judge, one of Duke’s business partners, Dana didn’t know what to think of the two ex-military men. One didn’t talk, not couldn’t talk, and the other was brooding and intimidating. Dana wasn’t a small man. He could hold his own. He had broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a fit body, but Ford was in a whole other category. Fucking massive.

“What are you looking at, honey?” Jessica squeezed his hand, looking up at him.

Dana swallowed when he noticed Ford wipe his mouth and sit back in his chair, those midnight eyes boldly glaring at him from across the room. Like he was daring Dana to bring his ass over to him.

What the fuck is his problem now? He’d be damned if he’d let Ford intimidate him. He never had before and he wouldn’t now. He started walking, his long legs eating up the distance between him and his coworkers, Jessica’s short legs double-timing to keep up. He kept his eyes locked on Ford’s. When he got to their high top he saw they were just starting with their meals.

“What’s up fellas? Didn’t expect you two here. What’s going on?” Dana asked, ignoring Jessica’s tight clamp on his arm.

“Eating,” Ford said drily.

Dana stared at him for a couple tense seconds. “No shit.” He liked the way Ford’s jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed. Jessica eased back a little when Dana widened his stance. “Um. This is Jessica. Jess, this is Ford and his brother Brian. You may not remember me mentioning them.”

“Oh, yes I do,” she said, a little too cheerfully. She could sometimes overdo it and come off as fake and insincere. “It’s nice to meet you both. Sorry for the intrusion.”

Ford didn’t say anything, so Dana turned his attention away from him and spoke to Brian. “I’ll let y’all go ahead and finish up. I’m trying to get back home soon.”

“What happened to the game?” Brian signed.

Ford jumped in to translate his brother’s words. “He said ‘What—?’”

“I know what he said.” Dana cut Ford off and turned back to Brian and signed in not so perfect ASL. “She got mad.” Dana shrugged. Brian had been teaching him a little sign language during their long days on surveillance duty or waiting at the courthouse for a bond. From the stunned look on Ford’s face, it was obvious he didn’t know, or maybe he wondered why Dana bothered to learn to communicate with Brian in the first place.

Dana wished he knew more ASL. But he couldn’t say what he wanted to out loud and he didn’t know how to sign “My girlfriend whined until I agreed to take her out. Yes, I fully intended to stay home and enjoying the game… alone.”

“I didn’t know you knew sign language, honey. Aww. That’s great that you can talk to him. Can I speak to him? Can he read lips?” she said innocently, not realizing her words were a bit insulting. Brian was a grown man, not a toddler.

“He can hear you, Jess. But let’s go eat, I’m starved,” Dana said quickly. He had to get Jessica away from them because Ford looked like he wanted to curse. Dana knew Jess didn’t mean anything by it, she simply didn’t understand Brian’s disability. Dana waved, getting an “It’s all good” look from Brian and a pissed off sneer from Ford before he left.

He moved to a table a few up from Ford’s and sat down. He picked up the drink menu, needing something to cool him off. He didn’t know why Ford got under his skin sometimes. He jerked his head up when he heard Jessica loudly clear her throat. She stood there in front of her chair with her arms folded across her chest. “Do I have to pull out my own chair, Dana? Geez. Be more rude.”