Ford smirked and shook his head, continuing back into the kitchen murmuring under his breath. “Fuckin’… grow up.” Ford thought he’d have a couple hours of peace, but Dana had ruined that—

“Fuck you, Ford. You got one more goddamn time to tell me to grow up and I’m going to give you a glimpse of the man that I am… the man you keep fuckin’ insulting,” Dana snarled from close behind Ford.

Ford heard Dana’s heavy steps, realizing he didn’t voice his insult as quietly as he thought. Regardless, he wasn’t in the mood to soothe Dana’s fragile ego. Instead of responding, Ford kept his back to Dana and concentrated on topping off his cup of coffee. He could feel Dana’s heat, his anger and frustration. Ford widened his stance and brought his cup up to his lips.

“Damn you are hot and cold, man. I thought we were straight, Ford. What’s up? You’re acting like you can’t stand to be around me. What have I done now, huh? I show up for work and you won’t look at me for two seconds, or speak to me… at least without being a dick.”

Ford set his mug down and spun around, leveling Dana with a hard scowl. “Why are you keeping tabs on me, kid?”

“I’m not a goddamn kid—”

“The hell you’re not!” Ford barked.

Dana looked infuriated. He tightened his stubbled jaw and Ford had to keep his focus trained on Dana’s eyes and not his plump mouth. “I want to get this shit resolved, once and for all. I don’t even understand what the hell is happening here. All I do know is you can’t stand the sight of me right now. We start surveillance next week, Ford. Duke has us working together – should I tell him to reassign you?”

Ford narrowed his eyes. He was good at reading people, and right now the man in front of him struggled with his thoughts. Ford watched Dana gulp down a massive lump of nothing as his Adam’s apple bobbed and his throat worked to swallow his stress. Ford eased his large body away from the counter, creeping closer to Dana with his mouth set in a stubborn line. “You can tell Duke anything you want to, just keep my name out of it.”

Dana grunted when Ford brushed past him, hitting him hard in the shoulder when he did. He had to get out of that small kitchen before he revealed his latest frustration regarding his coworker. That overbearing smell of women’s perfume clinging to Dana like funk on a skunk. What if Ford had sensitive allergies or something? Dana was the one being rude if you asked him. There was no way he was going to tell anyone what had his fists clenching at his sides all day. He’d let it slide for now. But when he and Dana started working in closer quarters, he wouldn’t be afraid to kick Dana out of his truck at the first hint of fragrance that didn’t belong specifically to Dana.


“Man, what a day,” Dana sighed. He eased his classic Nova onto 10th Street and settled back for the brief commute to Brian’s house.

“Thanks for driving me.” Brian signed slowly for Dana.

“No problem, man. It’s all good. I saw Ford hurry out of the office as soon as Duke gave the go ahead.”

Dana saw Brian pull his phone out of his pants pocket and type some words into his text to voice app. The computerized male began to speak as Brian’s fingers flew over the keyboard. “He’s been a cranky bastard all day. First, I thought it was because you came in smelling like you were attacked by the fragrance lady at Bloomingdale’s, but when he never mentioned it, I figured maybe not. Then he declined lunch. When we came back, you all looked like you had exchanged words again.”

Dana ignored the other stuff and instead went back to the part that stood out the most. “Smell like what?”

Brian released a gusty laugh. “Yeah… smell.”

Dana pulled the neck of his t-shirt out and dipped his nose inside to get a whiff of himself. He didn’t smell anything… then the faint hint of Jessica’s perfume hit him. Had he gotten used to it and didn’t smell it anymore? “She hugged me on her way out this morning.” Fuck. That couldn’t have been what got Ford so upset.

“I don’t know what’s going on with him lately. He’s driving everyone insane. Especially me. He needs to back off a little and focus on himself for once. At my age it’s rather insulting to have your big brother calling to make your doctor’s appointments.”

“I guess it is,” Dana said distractedly. Still wondering if Ford really was pissed that he smelled like his girlfriend. “So, what are you doing tonight?”

“I’m thinking of logging on and having a little fun tonight before we really get going on this bust.” Brian looked up at him before moving his thick fingers across the communication app’s keyboard. “You want to come?”