“Because, just in case you were wondering, you won’t get fired or bullied working here for being gay. We like to consider this a LGBTQ-friendly work environment,” Duke said with all seriousness.

Ford looked at Duke like he was a jerk.

Duke paused. “What? Did I miss a letter in there?”

Ford glared while Duke laughed at his own unsolicited comedy.

He was finished with this conversation. His thoughts had continued to get the best of him the past few days and he needed to get back to being focused. Soon, he’d have to put in some long hours with Dana, in a truck cab, late at night, or in a hideout house doing surveillance. Either way, he needed to get his recently reawakened libido under control.

Duke finally got the message when Ford remained quiet. “Fine. But I’m here to talk, bro, if you need to. I been there is all I’m saying. I fought my attraction to Vaughan, too. I wasn’t sure if he was serious or old enough to be the kind of serious I wanted.”

Ford swiveled his chair around and stared at Duke like he was an idiot. “The man who anonymously saved your life by donating one of his kidneys to you? You mean him? Damn, your standards for proving sincerity are a tad high, don’t you think, Duke?”

“This was before I knew he was the donor, asshole,” Duke grumbled. “It’s cool. You can keep fighting it, but trust me, it only gets worse. Dana will dump that scandalous broad, and when he does, he’s coming for you. I know him. I’ve known him a long time.”

Ford swallowed thickly at Duke’s words. If only he really believed them to be true. Oh god, if Dana truly wanted him, what the hell would he do? He’d completely lose himself if he allowed it. Why would a man like that want an argumentative, controlling alpha male like him when he could have anyone he wanted? And goddamn, was he gorgeous. Ford could spend hours running his hands through that thick, dark hair on top of his head, then down his—

Duke chuckled and slapped Ford on his back when he walked by, breaking Ford’s daydream. “I can see how not attracted to him you are.”

Dana came in right behind Quick, looking like hell froze over. He’d clearly run his fingers through his hair this morning instead of opting to use a brush. His eyes were red-tinged and drooping. Despite the fact that he hadn’t bothered to shave either, he still looked incredible. Tired, but incredible. What had kept him up, Ford wondered. When he went home last night, he’d eaten, showered, and gone to bed. Obviously, Dana must’ve had other plans. A man like him had to have a pretty full social calendar. Regardless of the considerable hours they spent at work, a man could always find time to play, especially in the wee hours of the night. Ford clenched his jaw when Dana walked by his desk smelling like women’s perfume. No wonder he was so tired.

Ford decided against going to lunch with the guys, fabricating an excuse that he needed to make some important calls. He hated to miss a lunch where the bosses were treating, but he couldn’t risk having to sit so close to Dana and smell the evidence of sex on him.

“Alright, let’s break for lunch. Two hours, since we’ll be here late again tonight.” Duke spoke while he put on his dark blue bomber jacket and shades. Quick was standing beside him, waiting for Dana and Brian to join them. Ford tried not to watch as his coworkers left, not wanting to look Dana in his eyes at the moment. Ford was chickening out, not even putting up a fight to win Dana over. Why should he? He loved the chase, he’d stalk and capture just about anything or anyone, but he refused to chase after love. Love was never high on his list of things he wanted to accomplish. He’d had such a fulfilling military career – for the time it lasted – and he had his brother, so he was good.

Ford tilted back in his chair wondering if he truly meant what he was thinking. He was about to get up and get himself something cold to drink and order in a sandwich when the front door to their office opened and Dana strolled back inside. Ford didn’t say anything as Dana solemnly walked to his desk and sat down.

“No longer hungry?” Ford finally asked, after Dana refused to acknowledge his curious stare.

“Nope. I guess you aren’t, either. Or you declined a free lunch because you didn’t like the company attending. Well, you don’t have to anymore, I’ve decided to stay and make some… important calls.” Dana’s knowing sneer and reasoning was an obvious jab at the lame excuse Ford had given earlier.