“Don’t curse at me.” She playfully slapped him on his chest. She hated dirty talk, said the vulgarity took her out of the mood. “Just touch me. Touch me here, I’m almost ready.”

Dana let her position his hand between her legs and he rubbed her pearl while she rapidly rocked back and forth on him. After the conversations he’d had with Brian and Ford earlier and the way she was taking what she wanted with no regard for him, was making him feel like a used piece of meat. As a so-called tough guy, he’d never tell a soul his girl made him feel that way, like she’d emasculated him. He fought to even keep his erection while she wailed and moaned that she was there, never saying the word “coming.”

She orgasmed loudly, dropping her head down, letting that long golden mane fall down over her breasts. Dana thrust up into her a couple more times but his desire was fading fast, along with his erection, especially since she’d stopped moving. After she calmed down, she looked down between her legs before climbing off. “That was just what I needed. Did you get there too?”

“Yeah,” he lied.


Ford was in the office earlier than scheduled. He’d woken up with another hard-on after one of the most erotic dreams he’d ever had. And it was about a person whose name he didn’t want to voice out loud or even in his head. This was doing a number on him. It’d irritated him when Dana used to complain about how his girlfriend didn’t understand him and no matter what he did he couldn’t please her selfish ass, but they’d broken up and everyone – not just him – was relieved to have the old, light-hearted Dana back. Then, like all good things, it came to an end when she popped back up with tears and a sob story. That she’d made a big mistake.

Ford stirred his coffee so hard, part of it sloshed over the edge of the cup. He felt pissed when spineless Dana had reared his ugly head again and taken her back. Too decent to turn her down. Gritting his teeth, Ford demanded Dana act like the man he truly was. Strong, determined, spirited, and a ton of other great qualities Ford had taken for granted until someone else started stealing them.

He just wished he was sure that he could go the relationship route with a man. Ford wasn’t scared of dating the opposite sex, he was too old, too damn grown to worry about what anyone would think. He’d had experiences with men and women in the past. Had had his fun. He’d eyed a few guys when he was in the service, even patted a few bottoms, but nothing had stirred him this hard in years. He thought he was content in his life. He had his brother, his work, he was good now. He’d lived complications before, wasn’t interested in them again. Relationships, lust, pining, dates, romantic expectations, sex, all equaled the same thing to him… complications.

Ford heard the door open and close. He knew it was Duke and didn’t bother leaving the break room. When Duke peeked in, he gave Ford an amused, kind of knowing look, and walked inside. “You’re here before me?”

Ford didn’t think that required an answer. Wasn’t he standing there?

Duke chuckled deeply. “You must have a lot on your mind. Wanna talk about it?”

“Nope,” Ford answered curtly.

“Oh, come on. I’m not only your boss.” Duke spoke in a passé psychiatrist’s tone. “I want you to think of me as a friend and contemporary you can confide in.”

Ford grumbled and pushed off the counter, shoulder checking Duke when he walked by him and out the room. “Fuck you, Duke.” Ford sat down at his desk and began opening up the files they’d gone over yesterday. He might as well get lost in his work. He’d concentrate on finding these fuckers. Yeah, that’s right. Hunt. That’s what he’d do. Not worry about his budding feelings. They were bound to dissipate the more Dana stayed with his girlfriend.

“Okay, okay. Chill out. I get it, buddy. I do, seriously.” Duke grabbed an empty chair and pushed it closer to Ford’s desk. His firm thighs straddled the seat cushion, his bare forearms resting on the back. “Maybe you should tell him what’s up, man. Be honest.”

Ford gave Duke a pointed look. “There’s nothing to tell.”

“I see.” Duke nodded like he was contemplating. “So you’re not attracted to him?”

“Duke! What the hell? No, okay?” Ford took a large gulp of his coffee, needing something to do to distract from his embarrassment. Not because he was hot for another man, but because everyone wanted to be involved or input their few cents on what he should do. As his throat screamed from the scalding hot coffee he’d just foolishly downed, he continued to try to ignore his meddlesome boss.