“Charity? Isn’t the money for y’all?”

“Of course, it is. But we are offering some outrageous discounts. That’s charity,” she answered, rubbing her hand over his stomach.

“How is it…? Never mind. Let’s just get some sleep. I gotta get up early.”

“I’m off tomorrow. Why don’t you stay home with me? Take the day off and let’s skip like we’re two high school kids.”

“Have you lost your mind? Duke will kick my ass. I’d better be either in my grave or in the hospital five seconds from my grave if I don’t show up. We’re on a big case. We’re going after two really big—”

“Your job is way too stressful, honey. You’re tense all the time.” She stopped him.

“Look, don’t start, alright. I love my work. I don’t say your work isn’t important.”

“Oh, honey. I would never say that. Your work is important. Extremely. I’m just being selfish and wanting you all to myself for one day.” She climbed on top of him and Dana lightly gripped her hips to stop her from grinding on him. “Promise me you’ll give me a day to ourselves real soon. In the meantime… let me see what I can do for my man to help him relax from such a long day.”

Dana moved his hands and dramatically draped his arms over his eyes. She always did this and it was confusing as hell. Sometimes she respected him and gave him the care he wanted in a partner and sometimes she was so damn rude. He thought himself a compassionate lover and considerate boyfriend, so he knew he deserved the same treatment from her. Every now and then Jessica would show him what it was like having a thoughtful girlfriend. Like now. Lost in his head, he let her straddle his hips and slowly drag her nightgown up her body, teasingly revealing glimpses of her soft, naked flesh. She didn’t have on any panties, and before he could put up any kind of protest, his cock was hard.

“Let me take care of my man the way he should be taken care of.” She looked like she really meant that. Maybe she did feel bad about last night and the snide comments she’d made about his home and job recently. When he felt her inching down and pulling his shorts with her, his body reacted to her beautiful face right there at his groin, her hot breath caressing his shaft. His cock bounced up and smacked his abs when she tugged his shorts all the way off. She lingered around his pelvis for a second, only to sit up and reach for a condom in his nightstand.

“Why don’t you try it just once, for me?” Dana asked, kissing her perfumed neck, letting his voice drop to that rumbling purr she said made her so hot. “Just a little try.”

“Try what?” She giggled.

“You know what. Come on,” he encouraged softly.

“Eww. No, that’s gross. You know I don’t do that.”

“Why not? You embarrassed?” Dana caressed the baby smooth skin on her back. “You know you don’t have to be. It’s only me and you here.”

“Oh god.” She scrunched her face up like he’d just asked her to suck on a rotten frog leg. “Even the thought of that in my mouth… no way.”

“I’ll pull out before it’s time. You sure don’t mind me doing it to you.”

“Well don’t do it to me anymore.” She shrugged. “Besides, I’d probably gag. My mouth is too petite.”

Dana didn’t roll his eyes, but he knew how ridiculous this debate sounded, so he cut it off. She’d never sucked his dick and never would, no matter how many showers he took or how much he begged. He didn’t give her shit about it, but damn if he didn’t want it, miss it. There were still a few women out there that balked at the idea of a mouth full of dick and balls, and he would be the man to wind up dating one of those women.

She winked at him and slid the condom on him. “I got something that feels so much better than a blowjob, lover.” She positioned her wetness over the head of his dick and sat down on his lap with very little finesse.

She was slick and snug as always, but he’d lost the heat he’d held felt from her words earlier. She didn’t give him a chance to savor the feeling before she started bouncing up and down, setting a hurried rhythm.

“Fuck. Slow down, Jess,” Dana hissed, the sensations flooding him fast. “You in a hurry?” He was caught off guard by her wild passion. But this wasn’t the first time she’d jumped on him and ridden him like a stallion. She loved to be on top, it was her favorite position, said it made her feel naughty, like she was taming her bad boy.