“Once we start this, we ain’t stopping, gorgeous.” Fisher stroked his hand over his thick beard. One Dana had fantasized about burying his mouth in to let the bristly hairs tickle his lips. He loved hair, always had. When Fisher took his chin in a strong grip, his other hand holding him in place, he covered Dana’s mouth with his own and dominated his body, his mind, and his heart all within seconds. He was in love for the first time in his life. Fisher had promised he wouldn’t stop, but obviously he’d been talking about the kiss and not the love.

Dana flinched when the pungent smell of burning cheese flooded his nose. “Damnit.” He yanked the skillet off the burner and hurried to take his singed quesadilla from the pan, but it was too late. One side was golden brown and the other was dark and crispy. Unfortunately, it was his last tortilla, so he’d have to eat it. He scraped as much of the charred flakes off as he could and took what was left to the couch in front of the television. He turned it on fast, needing the distraction from where his mind was stuck. Thinking about Fisher reminded him why he was hesitant to date men. He wasn’t against it, just cautious. He loved women and adored men, but Dana knew he was capable of falling hard for either. If only Ford was open to his advances, he could be a true and faithful partner to him.

His phone buzzed with an incoming text on the small ottoman that was positioned as his coffee table. Looking at the screen, he released a soft gust of frustration.

Jess: Hey honey. I’m coming over in about ten.

He knew what needed to be done, and soon, but he wasn’t in the mood to do it now, he was exhausted. He hit reply.

Dana: Been a long day. Already in bed. I’ll call you tomorrow. Night.

It was gonna be a gruesome day tomorrow, too. Actually, the next couple weeks would be just like the previous ones. Duke believed in being prepared. Dana shut off the game show he wasn’t really watching and went back to his bedroom. His condo was small, but it was his and he loved it. He’d done a few renovations over the past couple years and he must admit he thought it was looking great. He was proud of it. He hurried and ditched his clothes and tossed his bath towel over his shoulder. He had a full bath in his bedroom and another in the hallway for the guest room that he had converted into a workout room. He didn’t have the time to go to a LA Fitness.

He’d just finished rinsing his hair, was about to turn off the taps when he heard his front door slam shut. What the hell? Dana wasn’t in a bad neighborhood, but as a bounty hunter he’d made plenty of enemies. Leaving the water running, he eased out the shower and quickly opened the bottom drawer under his sink. He pulled out his chrome Kimber Pro, releasing the safety and cocking the stainless steel chamber. He’d been taught to always have a weapon accessible, so yes, he even had one in his bathroom. He listened for a few seconds, his hand inching towards the knob. Right before he opened it, he heard the sound of high heels click-clacking on the hardwood floor in his hallway. Jessica. Dana dropped his forehead to the door, sadly shaking his head. His text couldn’t have been clearer. He put the safety back on and tucked his firearm away. After he turned off the water, he wrapped the towel low on his hips and walked into his bedroom.

Jessica was already undressed and pulling out her nightgown. She flung her hair over her left shoulder, turning to look at him with a sweet but sultry grin. “Oh, I’m just in time.”

Dana walked to his dresser on the opposite side of the room. “Did you get my text? I responded to you.”

“No. I sure didn’t.” She smiled, picking up her purse, which looked brand new and very expensive, setting it on the nightstand.

He knew she was lying. Instead of arguing, he pulled out a pair of cotton shorts and slid them over his bare ass before he took the towel off. “I said I was tired tonight. I’m going to bed, Jess. Make sure you keep it down tonight, please.”

Jessica climbed into bed as soon as he turned off the light. She’d left his closet light on but he didn’t bother with that. He stretched out on his back, wanting to spread his legs a little wider, but he wouldn’t be rude.

“I’m so sorry about last night. We’re trying to organize a fundraiser for the boutique to raise money for new window treatments that just aren’t in the budget this month. It’s been insane. Never realized how much work is required to put on a charity event.” She had her leg draped over his, her silky nightgown rubbing against his rib cage while she cuddled in close to his side.