When Dana rose up, he saw Ford’s broad back heading towards the locker rooms. Quick stood with the other guys, a confused expression crossing his face before he turned away, shaking his head in disgust. When Dana walked by, Duke grabbed his arm. “Whatever’s going on between you two, you better fix it, and fast. I need the two of you working together, not against each other.”

“It’s all good,” Dana said with little conviction and headed to the back of the gym.

Dana was coming through the locker room doors just as Ford was coming out with his bag slung over his shoulder. He hadn’t even bothered to change out of his sweaty clothes. Dana frowned, hoping they could talk this shit out. He refused to let Duke pull him off the streets because he and his partner had personal beef. Ford might be okay with that, but he sure wasn’t. Dana grabbed Ford’s bicep when he tried to brush by him. “Hey.”

Ford looked down where Dana’s hand held him. It took a few tense seconds before Ford’s eyes traveled up Dana’s upper body to his face. When they finally locked eyes Dana thought he saw something in Ford’s hard glare, but it was gone before he could process it. “Did you mean what you said?”

“I never say anything I don’t mean.” Ford’s voice was gritty and harsh but his words weren’t. “You deserve better than her.”

Dana couldn’t help staring at Ford’s firm lips and the sexy, dark hair surrounding them. He wasn’t sure when they’d inched in closer, but somehow they were face-to-face. “Did you have someone better in mind, Bradford?”

Ford’s mouth parted a fraction but nothing came out. When it looked like he was about to answer, the locker room door burst open – a maintenance man – breaking whatever link was building between them. Ford pulled his arm away and turned back to the door, never answering Dana’s question. If only they hadn’t been interrupted. Dana growled in annoyance. All he’d needed was ten more seconds to confirm his crazy, but hopeful, suspicion. Did Ford find him attractive? He’d assumed Ford was straight, but he’d also never seen him date anyone, never heard him speak of any hookups. Dana was bisexual, but very few people knew that. It’d been many years since he’d hooked up with a man. Even longer since he’d had a relationship with one.


Stupid, stupid, stupid. Ford drove to his house so he could shower and groom his beard before it was time to get back to the office for their meeting. He would’ve done it at the gym but he had to get some air. What the hell had he been thinking falling onto Dana like that, his mouth on his ear, commanding him? Dana was involved. Ford just couldn’t believe he’d said what he said. What did he care if Dana wasted time on a woman who was so utterly wrong for him? He didn’t want to give Dana the wrong idea. He liked him well enough as a co-worker. He was a good shooter, he’d give him that. Ford just wished his priorities were in order. He was young and overconfident. That girl took him off his game, that’s why Ford thought someone should say something, and since he wasn’t a man that held his tongue, he spoke up. But the way Dana looked at him. Those seeking brown eyes pleading with Ford to talk to him. Thank god that maintenance man came into the locker room when he did, because Ford was two seconds away from grabbing a handful of all that messy, un-styled hair and yanking Dana’s head up so he could look him in his eyes and yell at him to grow up! Grow up so Ford didn’t feel like a goddamn predator when he got hard from thinking about him.

If he could, he’d probably sit this meeting out but instead, he got dressed in his black jeans and a black t-shirt with Duke’s Bail Bonds on the chest. He put on his gun holster, tucking a few other weapons inside his leather coat. They weren’t expected to make any moves tonight but he was always prepared. The streets of Atlanta were an unsafe place to be, especially when you were on the hunt. He sent Brian a quick text letting him know he was on his way and got back in his truck.

When he walked into the office, Brian was already at his desk looking over some files. His brother’s eyes – so much like his own – asked if he was cool. Ford gave him a quick nod and walked towards his own desk, ignoring Dana’s eyes tracking him as he moved across the open floor plan that was their office. Duke was the only one with a closed off space. Quick’s large desk was in the far corner, next to the outdated water cooler. There were only two other doors besides the back and front ones: the break room and an extra-large supply closet that held their gear. Duke had an open-door policy, but as of right now it was closed and Ford assumed Quick was inside. The two bosses probably discussing if he and Dana should be paired together on this dangerous bounty after what they’d just witnessed at the gym. Ford needed to get things under control. He’d never in his life been a risk or hazard on the job and he wasn’t about to start now. He walked towards the break room and called over his shoulder, “Dana. A word.”