“Yes. I’m here.” Softer purring and caresses to his face and his hair. The back of his head was very tender from the bruises and the concussion, but he’d welcome any of Vaughan’s touches. He could smell him; he was so close to him.

“What time is it?” Duke croaked.

“Very early. Like almost four.”

“Jesus,” Duke huffed. “You need to rest.”

“I need to be right here,” Vaughan argued gently. Duke could feel Vaughan’s body heat; feel his weight next to him. It felt like he was sitting on the side of his bed, leaning over him, careful not to put too much weight on him. Duke slowly lifted the arm that didn’t have a cast on it and laid his hand on Vaughan’s thigh, or so he presumed since his eyes remained shut. Gazing into those intense eyes would be his undoing. After a few seconds of silence or maybe he’d drifted off again, he felt Vaughan’s soft lips on his cheek, his eyelids, grazing over his temple. A warm gentle breath ghosted over Duke’s forehead as Vaughan moved to the other side, placing the most comforting, delicate kisses he’d ever felt in his life. Would ever feel. Duke felt his chest tighten painfully and he fought to control his emotions. His body shook and he knew Vaughan felt it because he responded quickly. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Calm down, Duke. I’m right here with you. I’ll always be here.”

Duke sighed tiredly. He needed more rest. Every time he thought of how fucking unfair everything was, he’d feel this tremendous weight on him, like a boulder pressing him into the uncomfortable bed he was confined to. Duke was exhausted again but he thought he might have been dreaming when he heard Vaughan’s beautiful voice assuring him that he was going to be okay. Vaughan swore he’d make everything okay. Oh, how he wished he could. It had to be a dream. Right? There was nothing anyone could do for him. He was going to die right here.


When Duke woke again it was a lot brighter in his room, he could see the light through his lids. He smelled food and antiseptics. When he finally managed to open both eyes, he saw there was a lunch tray sitting on his table along with a couple bottles of water and what looked like a can of ginger ale. He knew he had to be hungry, he hadn’t eaten in quite a while, but the thought of food made him nauseous. Duke managed to push the button on his bed railing and raise his head. He must have had a visitor or two because there was a “Get Well” balloon tied to a slender vase of carnations and sitting on the windowsill was a plant with small white lilies emerging through the green leaves. There was white bow around the bottom of the pot. He could see there was a card but didn’t know who it was from.

His body was tight; muscles ached in every part of him. His arm throbbed and the constant thud in the back of his head had magnified exponentially. It must be time for more medication or something. He glanced up at the clock in his room and gasped. It was after noon. Had he been asleep that long? When did Vaughan leave? His memory was cloudy, had to be all the pain meds. Hey, maybe that was a pretty good idea. Stay doped up until it was time for him to check out. Sleep through his final days, because honestly, who wanted to watch them? He was just about to push his morphine drip when he heard a light tap on the door and it was simultaneously pushed open.

Duke turned and looked into dark red-rimmed eyes. He knew he’d be here eventually but he wasn’t prepared for his visit yet. Not him.

“Quick called me yesterday.” The deep voice radiated around the room as Judge’s large presence filled the space. He came to the side of the bed and placed his large palm on Duke’s shoulder. He watched Judge’s bottom lip quiver slightly before he opened his mouth to speak again. “Goddamn you, Duke.”

Duke blew out a weary sigh. He turned his palm upwards, silently asking for Judge’s hand. It took a second but Judge finally put his hand in Duke’s and gave it a firm squeeze before dropping his forehead to their joined hands. They didn’t speak at all. What could be said? They’d been lovers at one time. Friends for even longer. Although their relationship never extended past work and an occasional hook up whenever Judge was in town, Duke had missed him terribly. He was glad that his friend had found love; regardless that it wasn’t with him. Judge was happy, would be long after he was gone. He wanted that for his friend. They stayed that way until the nurse came in and took Duke’s vitals for the umpteenth time.