The use of the honorific pleased him, especially the easy, natural way in which she’d employed it. The longer they talked, the surer he became that she would be an excellent candidate for submissive training.

Once he’d completed the interview process and answered all her questions about the program, it should have been his cue to end the call. Yet, he found he didn’t want to stop talking to this lively, interesting woman. She, too, seemed inclined to continue their conversation shifted to lighter topics. They talked about their childhoods, family life, career choices, movies they liked and some of the crazy shit they’d witnessed or experienced within the BDSM club scene. She was easy to talk to and they laughed often. Somehow, three hours got away from them, and when they finally said goodbye, thoughts of her remained long after, filling his mind and filtering into his dreams.

He couldn’t wait to meet her in person.


Skylar leaned forward in the motorboat as the island came into view. It looked even better than the brochure, waves lapping gently against the shore, seagrass wafting in the salty breeze. She could see several people relaxing on beach towels on the sand. They had a large cooler nearby, frosted glasses of something fruity in their hands. She couldn’t wait to join them.

The boat captain eased the throttle on the engine and pulled smoothly alongside the dock. He jumped out to secure the boat and then held out a hand to Skylar. She took it, allowing him to help her from the boat.

“Thanks for the ride,” she said. “This place looks like paradise.”

“A very special paradise,” the captain said with a wink. “Have yourself a good time.”

A shiver of excited anticipation moved through her. “Thanks.”

A tall man was approaching them along the dock, his dark hair shining in the sun. He was dressed all in black, his knit shirt stretching over broad shoulders and massive biceps. She recognized Master Caelan from their video chat, and her heart instantly began to race. He was taller than she expected, at least six foot four and, even from this distance, he exuded a kind of raw masculine power.

She ran her fingers through her wind-mussed hair in a quick but no doubt futile effort to tame it. She had worn her favorite sundress, a sleeveless, dark blue silky rayon printed with bright yellow sunflowers, her pushup bra giving her breasts an extra lift and creating a pretty cleavage. Her legs were bare, white sandals on her feet. Did he like what he saw?

As he reached her, he smiled, laugh lines radiating from his kind eyes. Because they’d talked several times both on video chat and via texting, there was none of the initial awkwardness of meeting someone new. But seeing him in person still took her a little by surprise. When he took her hand in his, the intimate experience of skin on skin sent an electric jolt of both desire and recognition through her being. It was as if she already knew this man—as if she’d always known him.

They held hands for several pulsing beats as he stared into her eyes. When he finally let go, her skin tingled with the loss of his touch. “It’s great to meet you in person, Skylar. I hope your trip wasn’t too exhausting?”

Skylar gripped her hands together to keep from reaching for him again. “Everything went smoothly, thanks. You have to really want to get to this island,” she added with a laugh.

“It’s that way with all these little out-of-the-way Outer Banks islands. That’s actually a good thing. Nobody wanders here by mistake.”

The captain brought Skylar’s suitcase onto the dock. “If y’all will excuse me,” he said, tipping his fisherman’s cap, “I’m going to head back to the mainland. I’ll be back tomorrow with those supplies you ordered.”

“Thanks, Jake,” Master Caelan said. “See you around.” He bent down to take the handle of her rolling suitcase and gestured toward a golf cart parked on the path by the dock. “I’ll take you on back to the resort to get you checked in. Once we get you settled, your training regime will begin.”

Skylar glanced longingly at crystal-blue waves. “I was thinking I might like to unwind on the beach a bit.”

He regarded her for a long, silent moment. “You might like that,” he said in a slow, sexy voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder, his thumb grazing her neck. An electric pulse of desire shot through her loins at his touch. “But it’s not what you need.”

“No, Sir,” she whispered, her eyes fixed on his face.

Stepping back, he slung her bag into the back of the cart and climbed into the driver’s side. “Coming?” he asked, giving her a quizzical smile.

Embarrassed, Skylar realized she’d been staring, her mouth actually hanging open. She snapped it closed and slid onto the padded bench. She looked around as he drove the cart along a boardwalk that led from the beach. They moved through a cluster of trees with hanging vines fragrant with white blossoms.