His decision to accept the job on Desire Island wasn’t purely an altruistic desire to help submissives reach their full potential. Though he had yet to find her, he was convinced in his heart of hearts that there was a submissive woman out there worthy of wearing his collar, someone who would speak directly to his Dominant soul and his lonely heart. What better place to look than an island filled with likeminded souls?

The call was scheduled for nine that evening. Caelan sat on his bed with his laptop and opened the app to call Skylar Moran. She’d included a photo of herself as part of the application process. From what he could see in the photo, she was an attractive young woman, with silky blond hair to her shoulders, unusually green eyes and full lips.

He had already connected with her account on WhatsApp, sending an invitation to chat, which she had accepted. Now he clicked on the phone link and sat back, waiting for the call to connect.

Skylar appeared on the screen, a nervous smile on her pretty face. “Hi, Skylar, I’m Caelan. It’s nice to meet you,” he began.

“Hi. You, too.” She gave a nervous laugh. “I still can’t believe I won this trip. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

He liked her voice, which was low and slightly husky, reminding him of the actress Jennifer Lawrence. “I can believe it,” he replied with a reassuring smile. “Based on your responses to the questionnaire, the total immersion packet is perfect for you.”

Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as a long, slender hand fluttered to her chest. She was wearing a green silk tank top that picked up the color of her very green eyes, a hint of cleavage peeking above the top. She was definitely easy on the eyes, not that that mattered for training purposes.

“You’re blushing,” he said, still smiling.

She brought both hands over her face, laughing through her fingers. “God, I know. I blush at the drop of a hat. It’s so ridiculous.”

He actually found it rather adorable. She, in fact, was totally adorable. His cock seemed to agree, as it was expanding rapidly in his jeans. Good thing she could only see his head and shoulders.

“It’s not ridiculous,” he replied. “It’s just a reaction of the sympathetic nervous system. When you’re embarrassed, adrenaline is released, speeding up your heart and dilating your blood vessels. You scored fairly high on the questionnaire about your fear of giving up control. You don’t like blushing because you can’t control that reaction. But, you know, there’s a positive side to that as well. Blushing can’t be faked, which makes it an excellent and trustworthy signal. It will actually help me in your training to see when I’m touching a nerve.”

She dropped her hands and smiled. “Ha, so you’re saying it’s an asset to turn beet red at the drop of a hat. I never thought about it like that.”

Caelan grinned but then sobered. “Just remember, there are no wrong responses during training. I want—no, I require—full honesty and open communication at all times. Trust is at the core of any BDSM relationship, even the somewhat limited relationship of trainer and trainee.”

“I guess you approach this whole thing from a unique angle, what, with your background and all.” Her lips quirked into an impish smile. “I’ve heard all psychiatrists are crazy. Is that true?”

“Absolutely,” Caelan replied, trying to keep his expression deadpan, and failing. They both laughed. He liked her laugh, open-throated and genuine, and it made him laugh more. He pulled himself together, reminding himself this was the introductory interview, not a precursor to a date.

“Let’s talk about you,” he suggested. “The questionnaire addresses both the things you desire and the things you fear. I noticed in a number of your responses that you have some issues around anal play. In my experience, when a sub has an issue about some particular form of erotic play, there’s often an underlying desire for the very thing they fear. Exploring that fear can be very freeing and lead to a greater capacity for true submission.”

The blush returned and Skylar looked away, hunching her shoulders. “Not my thing,” she mumbled, though, interestingly, her now-erect nipples were clearly visible through her tank top. If he’d been able to dip a finger into her cunt, would he find it wet?

“I sense you’re conflicted, and that’s okay,” Caelan said, smiling reassuringly. “We’ll explore that together. Just remember, submission is a gift you offer to your Dom. It’s his job to cherish and nurture that gift. When you truly submit, nothing is embarrassing because you’re pleasing your Master. For a BDSM slave, that in itself is enough. Does that make sense to you?”

She stared at him for a long moment. He could see both her longing and her trepidation. “Yes, Sir,” she finally replied.