Mr. Connor pursed his thin lips and rubbed his weak chin, as if making up his mind on whether she was worthy. He damn well better approve the vacation, because she was going to take it, no matter what. As she stared him down, she realized a part of her hoped he would refuse. It would give her the push she needed to simply walk away.

Just the thought of being free forever from this odious man and this tedious, stressful job left her breathless. She tried to shake it away. She was stuck at this place until she could figure out something new.

Finally, he dropped the contemplative posturing. “All right, little lady. If vacation is more important to you than a sales bonus, have at it. Make sure you arrange for coverage of your existing clients with Bob and Mike. I’m sure they’ll welcome the extra business.”

“Thanks,” she managed, letting only a hint of sarcasm escape in her tone. “I really appreciate it.”

Master James wasn’t due back from work until later that evening. Rhianna had invited Skylar to dinner, which had been delicious as always, every bit of it made from scratch. Rhianna was a terrific cook. No microwave meals in her house, thank you.

Now the two girls sat together at Rhianna’s kitchen table, Skylar’s laptop between them. “I’m thinking about this one. It looks like fun.” Skylar pointed to the vacation package on the Desire Island website called BDSM Club Adventure. It was categorized in their intensity ranking system as a mid-level BDSM experience.

“Enjoy the beach and luxury spa by day, revel in a state-of-the-art BDSM club by night. Scene with trained Dominants and submissives and other Desire Island guests in a classic BDSM dungeon. Participate in a slave auction, informative impact play demonstrations and themed parties that will test your limits and leave you breathless.”

“I don’t know,” Rhianna said slowly, wrinkling her nose. “That sounds like what you already do here in Charlotte. It might test the limits of the BDSM-curious, but I would think you’d want something to push the envelope a little more. Master James and I have been talking about this. We both agree that this could be your chance to really delve into the lifestyle, instead of the slap and tickle you engage in at the clubs.”

Skylar bristled. “Slap and tickle? Come on, Rhi. I may not live the life 24/7 but I do a lot more than slap and tickle.”

“I remember the first time we met,” Rhianna said, a small smile playing over her rosebud mouth. “It was at that impact toy demo at The Loft. Remember that? You were with that guy. What was his name? Sir Whipsalot?”

Skylar laughed. “Sir Lashalot. His real name was Dwayne something-or-other. That was our one and only so-called date. He was an idiot.”

“Exactly,” Rhianna replied. “That’s my point. In the three years we’ve known you, how many idiots, posers and wannabes have you scened with?”

“Oh, god,” Skylar groaned. “Too many to count.”

“And how many intense, meaningful BDSM connections have you experienced during that time?”

“Uh…” Skylar squinted up at the ceiling, pretending to ponder. “That would be zero.”

“Precisely,” Rhianna said triumphantly. “So, why in the world would you want to sign up for BDSM lite when you could have so much more?” She pulled the laptop closer and pointed at the last package on the screen. “This is the one you should go for—the full immersion, 24/7 Master/slave experience.”

Skylar peered at the screen, her eyebrows lifting. “You’re kidding, right? You honestly expect me to sign up for a 24/7 Master/slave experience with a total stranger?”

Even as she protested, something lifted its head inside her, ears perked, heart quickening. In her most vulnerable moments, she sometimes let the fantasies blossom in her soul. It was then she wondered if maybe there was someone out there for her like Master James. A real Master who could satisfy her deepest, darkest cravings and take her where she longed to go…

“Well,” Rhianna said with a laugh, “he wouldn’t be a stranger for long. I did some research. They really seem to know what they’re doing on that island. There’s the vacation aspect, sure, for the curious and the dabblers. But they also offer real training, the kind you pay top dollar for at the professional facilities. You’d be crazy not to seize this opportunity.”

“I don’t know.” Skylar’s heart was beating overfast, her panties moistening at the possibilities, even while her brain continued to resist. “I’m not even sure if I’m submissive.”

“You may not be sure, but Master James and I have a pretty good idea. You’re totally frustrated with the club scene, and it’s not because you’re not submissive. If anything, we think it’s the opposite.”

“Huh?” Skylar replied, confused.

“We think you need something more. We think your true path lies in a Master/slave relationship like we share.”