“Up you go,” Master Caelan said from behind her. “The plug will remain in place during your punishment. Because you confessed readily, and because it was your first day, I’m not going to put you in the cage again. Instead, you will spend a few minutes in the corner thinking over your infraction, and how you want to behave going forward.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said. Standing in the corner sounded like a kind of lame punishment for a grown woman, but she certainly wasn’t about to protest. It was definitely better than the cage.

She walked with him to the indicated corner of the room, feeling a little silly. Master Caelan reached into his pocket and pulled something out, though she couldn’t see what it was. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he guided her closer to the wall and said, “You will stand with your nose pressed against the wall until I give you permission to move. You will place your hands behind your head and keep your posture erect. To help you remain in position”—he held up what she now saw was a penny—“you’ll hold this penny against the wall with your nose. Your time out will be precisely five minutes. If the coin slips from the wall, you’ll start the punishment over. Are we clear on what you’re to do?”

“Yes, Sir,” she agreed. It was the weirdest punishment she’d ever heard of, but at least it was something she could easily do. Five minutes would be a piece of cake, and then all would be forgiven.

He held the penny against the wall while she positioned herself, hands behind her head, back straight, and leaned forward to press the tip of her nose against the coin. He took a step back but she could sense his presence close by, his eyes boring into her.

It was easy, if a little awkward, to hold the penny in place, at least at first. But her arms, still fatigued from the early morning workout, soon grew tired. The tile was cold and hard beneath her bare feet. The butt plug, while not uncomfortable, was definitely making its presence known. A sudden itch on the bridge of her nose nearly made her drop the penny as she fought the urge to lower her arms so she could scratch it. Surely, five minutes had passed?

Apparently, it hadn’t, because she stood there quite a while longer, the itch on her nose wildly annoying and distracting, her arms aching, her patience thinning. She shifted a little in an effort to get more comfortable and the penny very nearly slipped away. Panicked, she pressed as hard as she could with the tip of her nose. Closing her eyes, she tried to conjure the peaceful image of those turquoise blue waves gently lapping the shore…

Finally, Master Caelan tapped her shoulder. “You may step away from the wall and lower your arms.”

With relief, Skylar did as he said. The penny dropped to the floor and rolled away. Master Caelan bent down and retrieved it, slipping it back into his jeans pocket.

“Punishment is over. I trust you’ve learned your lesson, slave Skylar?”

“Yes, Sir,” she breathed, instantly aroused by his use of the word slave.

“Good. I expect no more infractions for the duration of our training.” He turned toward the door. “Now, it’s time to introduce you to the pleasure and power of water bondage.”

Chapter 8

“Permission to speak, Sir?” Skylar asked.

“Yes, what is it?”

She shifted from foot to foot. “Um, how much longer do I need to wear this thing?”

“What thing?” he asked, his expression completely innocent except for the twinkle in his eyes. He knew very well what thing, but he just stood there, watching her.

Okay, fine. “The butt plug, Sir.”

He lifted his brows. “Are you having a problem with it? Is it causing you pain?”

“Well, no. Not exactly. I just don’t…” she trailed off.

“You just don’t like it?”

“No, Sir,” she replied, relieved he was finally getting it.

“Use that, Skylar,” Master Caelan said.

“Use what? I’m not following.”

“Use the fact that you don’t like it. Try to place yourself in a submissive headspace at all times while on the island. That will help you get the most out of this training. Don’t ask yourself, ‘When is that rat bastard going to let me take the damn plug out?’ Instead, try asking yourself, ‘What does my trainer want me to learn by wearing this plug?’”

Skylar grinned sheepishly, aware she was fighting a losing battle. “Okay, Sir.”

“How did you answer yourself?”

“I’m sorry?”

“When you asked yourself the question, while putting yourself in a submissive headspace. What was your response?” A ghost of a smile hovered over his lips.

“Oh. Um…” She thought about it a moment and then said, “You want me to keep it in for as long as it pleases you, Sir. You want me to accept what you give me with grace, and trust that you know what’s best for me. By letting go of control, I’m freeing myself to truly submit.”