He leaned up over her, his face so close he could have licked her.

She closed her eyes, forgetting to breathe as he gently pinched and prodded her sex. In spite of her acute embarrassment, her cunt was throbbing with need. She could smell her own arousal and that just made her blush even more. Could this get any more humiliating?

“Anal display mode,” he said, his hands falling away.

Why, yes. It could.

Barely able to bite back her groan, Skylar forced herself to roll over and assume the position. Reaching back with both hands, she spread her cheeks, glad her face was hidden.

“Lift your ass higher so I have better access,” he commanded.

He ran a finger along the crack of her ass and then circled the tight pucker. She jerked at the touch, causing him to bark, “Stay still. I’m going to examine your ass more thoroughly. You will not move or make a sound, no matter what I do. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” Skylar managed, her heart thumping.

She heard him getting to his feet. She tried to see what he was doing in her peripheral vision as he clomped away from her, but he was out of her line of sight and she didn’t dare move her head.

When he returned, he crouched again, this time behind her between her spread legs. She felt something gooey and hard between her ass cheeks and realized it was his finger again, this time covered in lubricant. He pushed it slowly inside her. Her anal muscles spasmed against the digit and she yelped involuntarily.

“Silence,” he reminded her. “Our focus during this session will be on desensitization. If you’re to be a true slave, you need to give your body—your entire body—freely to your Master. You have to find a way to transcend any natural modesty or hesitation. Resistance of any kind is not acceptable.”

His words made sense and she wanted to obey. She needed to obey. She let out a slow breath, willing her body to relax.

He slid a second finger in alongside the first. Skylar grunted but otherwise managed to remain still and quiet. He moved his fingers gently inside her, pushing deeper in the process. It didn’t hurt. It actually felt kind of good, in spite of her continued embarrassment.

“I’m going to withdraw my fingers now,” he said. “And replace them with an anal plug.”

“No,” she blurted before she could stop herself.

Suddenly his face was beside hers, her hair caught painfully in his grip as he yanked her head back.

“What did you say?” he asked in a soft, dangerous voice. “Did you just say ‘no’ to me?”

A pang of instant regret pierced her. She hated to disappoint this man. But this was so hard. “I…uh…yes. I mean, no. I mean, I’m sorry, Sir. It just slipped out. I hate that damn plug.” Her safeword, apple, was rising in her throat, begging to be let out of her mouth. Or no—red light—that was the island safeword.

She pressed her lips together to keep from saying it, Master Caelan’s words from the day before returning to her mind. “Safewords are a last resort, Skylar. They are only to be used when you feel you are in danger, and you’re not being heard.”

She wasn’t in danger. She was just afraid. Maybe it would be easier if someone else was doing it. And this position would be easier, too. She could totally do this. She just needed to…submit.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” she said contritely. “It was a kneejerk reaction. It won’t happen again, Sir.”

“See that it doesn’t,” he replied curtly, releasing her hair and moving again out of her line of sight.

She tensed as the tip of the lubricated phallus touched her anus.

“Relax,” Master Caelan soothed, all now apparently forgiven. “You can do this, Skylar. I won’t give you more than you can handle. I promise.”

He placed a soothing hand on her lower back. “Breathe,” he urged gently as he pushed the plug in deeper. “Remain open and accessible to your Master.”

Your Master… It sounded so natural—so right. She let her breath out in a rush of release, her body finally surrendering to her will—to his will.

“Good,” he said, slowly but inexorably pushing the damn thing into her. “You’re nearly there, slave Skylar. I’m pleased.”

In spite of the warmth his praise engendered and in spite of her best intentions, she tensed in anticipation. There was a sudden flare of pain but then, just like that, it was gone. She was left with a sense of fullness that wasn’t unpleasurable. What would it be like to have a cock inside her at the same time? His cock…

“Good job,” Master Caelan said, pulling her from the fantasy as he got to his feet. “It’s in. You did it.” He chuckled. “No safeword needed.”

Had he read her mind before? Thank goodness she hadn’t given in to her temporary weakness. She grinned against the yoga mat, delighted with herself for her accomplishment.