You belong here, a voice in her head whispered.

“When you’re ordered to assume a position,” Abbie continued, mostly addressing Skylar, “you should do it quickly and gracefully, without questioning the reason.” She looked around at the small group. “Everyone ready? Grab a yoga mat and we’ll get started.”

Over the next hour, Abbie reviewed a bewildering number of positions, including a variety of ways to stand, kneel, sit and lie down. As she called out the names of the various positions—attention, at ease, inspection, present, display, surrender and several more Skylar almost immediately forgot—the others assumed the positions with apparent ease. Skylar, on the other hand, felt awkward and graceless as Abbie patiently showed her how to move.

“Don’t worry,” Abbie said at one point, her expression sympathetic when Skylar screwed up yet again. “You’re doing fine for your first session. I’ll give you a cheat sheet after class. You can practice during free time. By the end of the week, you’ll be a pro.”

Skylar doubted that very much, but promised herself to make the effort.

After another quick shower, they reconvened for breakfast in the sub dining room. Skylar still had seen neither hide nor hair of her trainer. That changed as they were finishing a delicious breakfast of homemade biscuits, fluffy scrambled eggs and bacon. Master Caelan stuck his head into the dining room, smiling as his eyes lit on Skylar.

Unable to help herself, Skylar smiled back, her heart fluttering as if she were a teenager nursing a crush on the teacher. He was again dressed all in black, his T-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders, boots on his feet. He exuded raw power and control. Something in the way he looked at her made her blush. She ducked her head to hide the color she knew was rising in her face. As she did so, she couldn’t help but notice Shani and Maya exchanging meaningful looks. Was her crush that obvious?

“Good morning,” Master Caelan said to the room at large.

“Good morning, Master Caelan,” they all said in unison, like a group of school children in an old-fashioned classroom.

Looking again directly at Skylar, he said, “I’d like you to be waiting for me in the water room at the back of the main dungeon when I arrive there in ten minutes. You will wait in kneeling presentation mode. You may use a yoga mat.”

“Yes, Sir,” Skylar said, her mouth suddenly dry. Of everything he’d showed her on the brief tour the day before, the water room had especially caught her attention. She loved to watch online videos of water bondage and erotic water torture. Something about being placed underwater by a Master who held your very life in his hands was both deeply unsettling and wildly thrilling. The idea of being tightly bound in a difficult position while pummeled with a cold spray of water both attracted and frightened her.

It was part and parcel of the whole delicious BDSM dichotomy. For people hardwired like Skylar, there was the constant push and pull of pleasure and pain, of fear and longing, of an innate need for erotic suffering with the flipside of pure ecstasy.

“Guess I better pee and get over there,” Skylar said to Abbie as they were getting to their feet to clear their plates. Hunching her shoulders, she giggled nervously.

“Presentation mode is often a precursor to examination, especially at the start of a session,” Abbie said. “Do you remember the four examination positions?”

“Um…” Skylar squinted at the ceiling as she tried to remember. “Front, back, cunt and anal,” she said.

“That’s right. They’re all pretty intuitive. You’ll be fine, Skylar. I’m sure of it.”

While Skylar appreciated the supportive words from her new friend, she was less sure. Yeah, she could totally handle lying on her back and then her stomach with arms and legs spread wide. But just the thought of holding her cunt open for close inspection by a man she’d only met the day before was enough to make her blush. The thought of spreading her ass cheeks so he could stare at her butt hole made her cringe.

“I hope I don’t die of embarrassment,” she replied anxiously.

Abbie flapped a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry. Master Caelan is really patient. And this is very routine stuff, Skylar. We all experience it every day in one form or another. It’s quite effective in keeping you in a submissive headspace pretty much all the time. You never know when a Master or Mistress will command you to assume one of the positions. When they do, you are to immediately drop whatever you’re doing and obey. I personally think it’s the sexiest thing in the world. I feel so beautiful here all the time, and it’s not about physical perfection—nothing like that. It’s about how cherished you feel—how treasured.”

“Wow,” Skylar whispered in awe. Was this place for real?