He retrieved a bottle of water from her mini fridge and set it on the nightstand while she took off the collar. “Leave the bathroom door open,” he called out as she stepped inside. The direction was an appropriate one for a 24/7 slave who was not permitted modesty or privacy unless it pleased her Master. But if he were honest, the real reason was so he could admire those long, slender legs and that lovely ass, the small cheeks round and firm, two adorable dimples just above the globes.

Skylar came back into the bedroom a few minutes later. Caelan pulled back the coverlet to reveal the restraints coiled neatly at each corner. “You will sleep in chains to remind you of your position,” he informed her. Reaching over the bed, he picked up one of the nylon sleep cuffs attached to its chain and pulled open the Velcro closure to demonstrate. “These are easy to put on and take off. You can remove the restraints if you have to use the toilet in the middle of the night, but you must put them back in place when you return to bed.”

He waved toward the bed. “Climb in.”

Skylar lay on the bed, her blond hair fanning out over the pillow, her high, full breasts spread prettily against her chest. His palms actually itched with the desire to gently cup their sweet heft. Christ, this was going to be a long week.

“Obviously, you’ll want to do your ankles first and then your wrists,” he said. “Go ahead. I’ll watch and let you know if there’s anything different you need to do.”

She sat up and reached for the right ankle cuff. She placed it around her slender ankle and pressed the Velcro into place. She did the same with her left and then lay back, reaching for the left wrist cuff. Though it took longer single-handedly, she managed to get it on and closed. Finally, she reached for the right cuff, bringing the chain across her body as she used her now manacled hand to secure the final cuff. When she was done, she lay back down and flashed him a triumphant smile.

“Good job,” he said. She looked so hot, tethered by her own hand. He wanted to…

Stop it! he ordered himself sternly.

“Are you reasonably comfortable?” he asked in a stiff voice that sounded stilted to his ears.

“Um, I think I’m okay, Sir,” she replied, her expression a little dubious.

“You’ll get used to it,” he assured her. “Pull up the covers and get into whatever position you usually sleep in. I want to make sure there’s enough leeway in the chains.”

She reached for the covers at the foot of the bed and pulled them up and over her naked body. Then she rolled to her right side and folded her bound hands under her cheek like a child. She closed her eyes, her long, thick lashes brushing her cheekbone.

His voice came out husky and he cleared his throat. “I’ll be turning out your light now. There are nightlights in both the bedroom and bathroom that should be sufficient to see by. I hope you sleep well. See you in the morning.”


Skylar rolled over onto her back and lifted her arms in front of her face. She stared at her bound wrists in the glow of the nightlight. The thought of sleeping every night in chains was both thrilling and bizarre in the extreme. Would she be able to fall asleep like this?

She glanced at the small, glowing clock on the nightstand. It was only a little after nine, for heaven’s sake, and she was already tucked into bed like a little kid. That rankled, but at the same time, she had to admit she was exhausted.

She let her arms fall, the chain clinking lightly against itself as she tried to get comfortable. She’d been angry when told she wasn’t allowed to go to the party. Wasn’t this her vacation? But even as she pouted about it, she recognized this wasn’t a vacation per se. Though it was a resort island, she’d signed on for training, not for sipping margaritas on the beach.

Should she have just gone for the vacation package? Was she nuts to have voluntarily chosen this restrictive regime where she’d abdicated the right to make decisions on her own?

Even as she asked this of herself, she knew the answer. She was where she needed to be. Everything about this place just felt so right, as if she were coming home to a place she’d never been before.

She’d bonded instantly with the other subs over dinner, enjoying their stories. She appreciated their encouragement and support. But it was Master Caelan who occupied the bulk of her thoughts. Since their first hello over the computer, their rapport had been immediate. While she admired him as a Master trainer, it was the man underneath who really compelled her. He had been funny, kind and thoughtful, and had never acted superior in any way, despite his advanced degrees and obvious intelligence. Even so, she hadn’t been prepared for the sheer physical chemistry between them from the moment they’d met in person.