Page 83 of Promise Me

“Getting dressed,” I said breathlessly.

“Relax Ronan. Your stress won’t help Skylar. Bring her to the hospital and I’ll see you there shortly.”

“We’ll be there as soon as possible,” I told her and hung up the phone. I slipped the shirt Nickolas brought to me over my head. “Thanks Nick. I appreciate it.” I slid my shoes on my feet.

“Will she lose the baby?” He asked. I glanced at him and could see the fear in his eyes.

I gripped his shoulders hard. “No,” I told him. I prayed that I was right. I guided him to the hallway. “Get some clothes to take to the farm. Grab some things for Maddie.” I found Maddie in our bedroom with Skylar. My girl was dressed and ready to go.

“You all right?” I asked.

She nodded. “Ready?” She asked me.

“Sit with Maddie. I’ll check on the boys.”

“Where are they going?”

“To the farm. Dom called Fionn to let them know they were coming.”

“Could I have my phone so I can call our parents?” Sky asked.

I stopped on my way out of the bedroom. “Anything else before I check on the boys?” I asked her. “I really want to get you on the road.”

“Ronan, I’ll get Skylar’s phone,” Maddie offered.

“Thanks sweet pea. You do that and I’ll check on the boys.” I glanced at Skylar sitting on the bed. She looked so beautiful it broke my heart. “Skylar,” I said her name. She glanced up at me. “Promise me everything will be all right.” She nodded at me, smiled and I believed her.

Dom had thrown some stuff in a duffel and was in Maddie’s room packing some things into a bag for her while Nick grabbed clothes for himself. The two boys shared a room while Maddie had her own room and the baby would have his own room. I went to Maddie’s room to check on Dom. He glanced over his shoulder when I entered her room. “I’m done here. You ready to go?”

“We are,” I replied.

He followed me out of Maddie’s room and shouted for Nick to move it. I helped Skylar to the car. She kissed

Nick and Maddie’s cheek before I shut the door. “Call us,” Dominick told me.

“I will. Be careful going to the farm.”

Dominick’s car was behind mine so I waited on him to back out. “You’re calmer than I thought you would be,” Skylar informed me.

“I’m terrified.” I had to be honest. “I mean, do you hurt or cramp or anything? Having contractions?”

“No, just bleeding like I’m having a light period.”

I nodded although I didn’t know what that meant either. We were on the winding roads that ran between town and the farm in one direction. In the other direction, the road led to the next town where County General Hospital was located. “Did you call our Moms?”

“I did. They are both getting our fathers out of bed and heading to the hospital.”

“Good,” I said.

I was five minutes from the hospital. Feeling safer for sure when Skylar cried out. “Ronan, hurry. I’m bleeding bad.” She held up her hands for me to see. I pressed my foot to the pedal and raced through the streets to the hospital. We were there in two. Luckily, there were few people on the road at this time of the night. At the entrance to the ER I left the doors open and the engine running and carried her inside.

A nurse met me at the desk. They got a gurney to put Skylar on. “I love you Skylar,” I shouted as they took her from me. I don’t know if she even heard me. “Promise me,” I whispered. Lowering my head, I stared at the floor. The girl behind the desk looked at me with compassion.

“Is that your vehicle at the entrance?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Why don’t you go park it? Then wash your hands. You’ll need to go to the maternity wing. Remember where you need to be?” She asked. I remembered. We had classes here, four Saturdays in a row. I nodded at her.