Page 72 of Promise Me

“Because we let Dominick come home at one and I wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to do. Skylar didn’t know either.”

“Because you guys were always either at our house, or one of our friends’ houses so you never really had a curfew.”

“Right,” I replied.

“I’m sure one was fine,” she told me. “Is everything okay?” Mom asked.

“Everything is fine,” I replied. “We’ll be at Sunday dinner tomorrow. The kids and Delilah are coming too, I think,” I added.

“That’s nice.” I could tell she hadn’t told Dad yet. “I’m going to head inside now. We’ll see you tomorrow.” She pointed behind her as she spoke.

“Yep, you will and you need to tell him we’re coming,” I told her.

“I will.” I didn’t believe her. She turned and walked towards the door. Dominick passed her on the way out and held it open for her. She thanked him and then he let it close. He came to where I stood on the sidewalk with my arm still around Nickolas.

“Seriously, you chose to berate her like that at her place of work?” He said to Nickolas.

“I won’t apologize,” Nick replied.

Dominick ran his hand through his hair. “Man, I know you’re pissed but blasting Mom at work is not the way to deal with it.”

“Is her boss pissed?” I asked.

“No, you got Nick outside quick enough. Believe it or not, Chuck and his wife Diane like my mom.”

I sighed. “It’s not hard to believe,” I replied. I liked Delilah myself. She just needed help.

“Why? What is there to like? They should know how she takes care of us,” Nick shouted.

“Stop,” I said squeezing his shoulder. “Not here.”

“I appreciate what you and Skylar are doing for us but I don’t want to eat here now.” I glanced up at Dominick. He appeared disappointed.

“Dom, why don’t you take Nick somewhere else?” I suggested. “Just the two of you.”

“I don’t have money to do that,” he replied softly.

I yanked out my wallet from my back pocket and took out forty bucks. I handed it over to him. “Do you guys have money for groceries?” I asked him.

He nodded. “Take Nickolas out somewhere.”

“Pizza?” Dominick asked his brother looking less disappointed.

“Sounds good.” Nickolas seemed pleased to be spending time with just his brother.

“We’ll bring Maddie home in about an hour and half. Okay? We have our second birthing class so we’ll have to get her to you by then.”

“Okay,” Dominick ag


I watched the two young men go back to Dominick’s beater car. I realized how lucky my brothers and I were. I went back inside the restaurant. My parents were already seated. I could pretend they weren’t there and go straight to Skylar and Maddie or I could go to their table and say hello to my dad. I chose the difficult route and stopped at their table. My Dad sat his coffee cup down and looked at my mother.

“Dad, you can’t ignore me forever. I’m your son. I made a mistake but I love you and I know that you love me. Soon Luke will be here and I can’t see you not being a part of his life.” I touched my mom’s shoulder and gave her a smile. Then I walked away when I saw that he wasn’t going to respond.

On our way out of the restaurant, Delilah stopped me and thanked me. “I did it for Nickolas as much as you. Delilah, something needs to change about your situation,” I told her. She just nodded at me.

“Bring the kids tomorrow to Sunday dinner at the farm,” Skylar told her.