Page 48 of Promise Me

I choked on my laughter. Dia, I assumed was on the other side of the girl sitting next to me. She rolled her eyes and scowled at Sam. She was an interesting woman with hair so black I thought it must be dyed. She was wearing a tank top that revealed a half sleeve tattoo that I couldn’t discern without staring too long. She had all these rough edges but there was a softness about her brown eyes that she just couldn’t hide.

“How are you doing Ronan?” The girl sitting next to me asked taking my attention away from Dia.

I scratched my check then rubbed that hand across the back of my neck. “You know, no one has asked me that. I’ve fought the urge to smoke weed for weeks after I was released from the hospital. I was doing that a lot to stay calm when the pressure got bad.”

“You can’t,” Sam told me.

I gazed at him across the room. “I know man.”

“It is a drug and most don’t think it is addicting but for some when that high is just not enough we seek something stronger meth, coke, heroin.”

I shook my head agreeing with him.

“Do you drink?” he asked me.

“I had half a beer one night. I didn’t even want to finish it.”

“I would recommend that you stay away from all drugs and alcohol.”

“That half beer was all that I had. With Skylar being pregnant we aren’t exactly partying. She wasn’t much of a party girl before that. After the baby comes there won’t be any big parties then either.”

“So you’ll be one big happy family,” the girl named Dia said with sarcasm.

I looked at her. No, I expected things to be difficult at times. I expected us to have to learn about each other as husband and wife but I adored Skylar. I respected her and I wanted to make her happy. She was amazing and beautiful. She was good for me for sure. I really saw no drawbacks to us getting married. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like some fairy tale but Sky and I have known each other a really long time. We will be happy but no it won’t always be easy. I know that.”

“I’m glad you’re being realistic,” Sam said.

“My father has no problem with helping me be realistic. He’s not speaking to me at the moment. My mother is barely speaking to me. She at least says hello if a little coolly,” I explained to them.

“Is your father Declan or Noah Moore?” Sam asked.

“Declan,” I responded.

He chuckled. “I know him, man.”

I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing. I sat through the meeting listening to the other’s history’s. To their recent setbacks in some cases and felt a renewed

sense of panic. I couldn’t have a setback. Not with Luke coming. I couldn’t let Skylar down.

After the meeting Sam walked me to the door. He patted my shoulder. “I saw your fear when some of the others talked about setbacks. Don’t be afraid Ronan. You’re human. It is possible to fall into old habits. Talk with Skylar about it so she’s prepared. If she loves you, she’ll be understanding and support you if you fail.”

“I can’t do that to my family again.”

“Ronan, don’t put too much pressure on yourself or you will fail. He handed me his business card. Call me if you need me. Anytime, day or night.”

I nodded. “Does this make you my sponsor or something?”

He chuckled. “I guess, unofficially.”

I tapped the card against my other hand. “I’ll see you next Saturday.” I liked the group meeting better than I thought I would. I knew that I would be back.

“I’ll be here.”

I walked across the parking lot to my truck. Before I even got inside I could hear my phone beeping. I left it behind on the seat of my truck and Skylar was frantic, searching for me. Damn, I should have texted her or left her a note telling her where I was going. I dialed her cell and waited for her to answer. “Where the hell are you?” She snapped at me.

I almost laughed into the phone. Sky wasn’t one to react like this with anyone. This was a Rhett or Ryan reaction. “Hey sweetheart, I went to a meeting. Sorry I forgot to leave a note or text you.” She breathed deeply. I could hear her inhale and exhale and I knew that she was relieved. I hadn’t done anything stupid. I tried not to be offended. My family needed time to be sure that I would not repeat my mistakes. “I didn’t mean to worry you. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m glad you are too.” She hesitated then she said, “A meeting?”