Page 44 of Promise Me

“Grams told me I fucked up. They told me this was my chance to stop being a selfish prick, Skylar. I could make a difference. She said something that I didn’t catch at the time.” He stopped. “I don’t remember her exact words but Sky she was talking about this. You and Luke. I know she was.”

I rubbed my hand across his chest. “It’s okay Ronan.”

“Do you believe me? Mom dismissed me. Gramps told me he believed me because if Grams could organize an intervention from beyond she would.”

I smiled at him. “She would and I do believe you.”

Ronan rolled me over and hovered on top of me. My hands rested against his biceps. His skin was golden and warm. I let my arms wrap around his neck and his head dipped to mine. His lips were hesitant at first. His tongue slid between my lips. I wanted this. I just wanted to get closer to Ronan. My heart was doing double back flips in my chest or so it felt like it.

He buried his head in my neck and inhaled. “This is just too weird. You. Me. In my grandparents’ house. I can’t. Not here.”

Of course, I was disappointed. I agreed to marry him. I knew what sex could be like between us. Hot. Like set the sheets on fire hot. He didn’t know that though. “Okay,” I said. I could wait until tomorrow when we returned to the cabin and it was just us but would he still be weirded out like he was tonight?

Chapter 11

“We’re home,” Aine called out.

I raced to the living room as fast as I could on short legs and a watermelon sprouting out of my gut. “Oh let me see her.” I was so excited. Fionn was carrying Siena in a pumpkin seat. He sat her on the floor and unbuckled her so he could lift her out and hand her to me. I cradled her on my stomach.

“She looks just like Grace and Fionn.”

“Yes she does. She was even larger than Grace.” My sister looked good and more importantly she looked happy. Aine took a seat in the recliner. I glanced down at her.

“I heard from Mom and Dad. It freaked out Ronan,” I told her.

I sat down with the baby. Siena was heavy but she was a beauty, I thought touching her fingers. Counting them. Running my finger across her smooth cheek. There was something about a baby. Soon I would have one just like her. I looked up as Ronan came through the door.

“Hey, how are the girls?” He asked.

“This girl is a little tired but happy. That girl sleeps like a dream.”

Ronan sat next to me on the sofa with his arm around my shoulder. He was gazing at our newest niece. Ciaran and Ryan’s twins came screaming through the front door. Gramps was behind them and shook his head when Siena cried. I bounced her in my arms but that didn’t stop her.

“Sorry,” Ryan said when she entered the room. “At some point they might start acting like angels.”

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Ciaran responded.

They said their hellos. Fionn handed me a pacifier which quieted Siena. Ryan decided she wanted a baby which made Ciaran scowl at her. The twins were a handful. Sophia and Seth arrived with their two girls. Everyone wanted to see the new baby.

I glanced at Ronan. “This is why I love our family,” I said to him.

“Why?” He was looking directly at me with his beautiful green eyes.

“Because there is so many of us. Not all connected by one name but we’ve been together since we were small and we love each other.” He smiled at me. “Holidays will be amazing for Luke. I loved coming here when we were growing up. It was so exciting. We each had one gift to open from Grams and Gramps.” I teared up thinking about her loss. Ronan leaned over and kissed my temple as I leaned into him.

I realized when I opened my eyes that everyone was watching us. We both looked up. Liam broke the uncomfortable silence when the screen door slammed shut behind him. He brought Harley with him again.

“We came to see Siena.”

He gazed around the room. I was sure wondering why everyone was looking at us. Mom and Dad came through the door with Gracie right behind Liam and Harley. She was excited to see her sister. I held her lower or tried to. It wasn’t easy with my big belly. “Gracie, this is your sister Siena.”

She looked puzzled. I don’t know what she was expecting. She saw Asia when she was born. Gracie knew what a baby was. Then she went to Adam and climbed into his lap. He held her close and kissed her. Gracie didn’t say another thing. “She’s more like Fionn every day,” Liam remarked.

“She has to process it first. What it means to her world,” her daddy informed them.

“Ah, is that it,” Liam replied.

He nodded. He understood his child better than anyone. Jamie arrived. Then Noah and Lexi came. I handed her off to someone else. I couldn’t hog her when next week I could hold her as much as I wanted to while I stayed here with Aine while Ronan went to practice.