Page 58 of Promise Me

“He went to meet one of the men from his group. His name is Sam.”

“He’s heading off feelings?” Tegan suggested knowing Ronan and Declan well.

“Wanting to use you mean?”

“Yes,” Dad said looking at me after he backed up so he could drive down the lane towards Noah’s house.

“I don’t know Dad. I think he just felt like he was coming apart and didn’t want it to get that bad again.”

“He made a good choice then.” Dad turned left like he was going to his home but then he turned quickly into Noah’s driveway.

“What are doing Dad?”

“I just want to talk to Noah for a second.”

He parked the car and we both got out and walked up the long, winding sidewalk to the wide front porch. Ronan’s Aunt Lexi answered the door when Dad knocked. She taught at the elementary school where my Dad’s sister, Scarlett did. She smiled at us. “I wish this was a happy visit but I can tell by the look on your face Tegan that it isn’t.”

“Nope, I need to talk to Noah.”

“Come on in.”

Her auburn hair was braided and hanging down her back. She was short, taller than me but slender still after giving birth to three boys. Will the youngest was off to college now too. Everyone was empty-nesters these days. I often wondered what they did now that we were all gone.

“Sweetheart, you look radiant. Marriage and motherhood agree with you. Sorry we couldn’t make the wedding. Noah had a work thing we had to attend.”

“Daddy explained Lexi.” She kissed my cheek and squeezed me a little. “I’ll show you the pictures everyone took next time I see you.”

“I’d love that.”

She guided us to the family room they created out of the back bedrooms. Noah knocked down a few walls and opened up the space. “He’s right here.”

Noah was sprawled out in a recliner watching television. “Hey you two. What are you doing here?”

“We need to talk.”

“What did Declan do now?”

The tears welled in my eyes. I couldn’t help it. He missed our wedding; keeping Stevie from coming too. Ronan was really hurt by that. They are avoiding their son. We aren’t going to Sunday dinner and I missed it. Noah rose from the chair and took a step towards me. “It was Declan right? Not Ronan?”

“It was,” I sniffed back my tears. “He hit Ronan at the house tonight. Delib

erately tried to humiliate him in front of some kids he’s been trying to help.”

Noah sighed. “This has to stop. I don’t understand him right now. She’s your daughter if you’re okay with them being together and how this happened I’m not sure why he’s so damn upset.”

“I mean, it’s not ideal that you want to hear about your daughter getting pregnant after a one-night stand but Ronan’s stepped up to the plate. He makes Skylar happy. I don’t really get it either Noah.”

“You know Ronan hasn’t dealt well with this either.” I looked between them. “Not remembering? Wondering if he hurt me? He went through a whole lot of emotion getting to this point. I think that’s probably why he started the group meetings too. He didn’t want to slip up or have any setbacks.”

Noah put his arm around me and hugged me. “I’ll talk with Declan over the weekend.”

“Maybe we both should?” Dad offered.

“Maybe,” Noah agreed. “Take him to lunch and then hit some golf balls?”

“Sounds good.”

Lexi rolled her eyes at the two men then she turned and walked out the door. “What Lexi?” Noah asked.