Page 52 of Promise Me

“What dammit?”

“You know me,” I told him. “I never wanted brand name stuff like Ryan and Charlie. Simple has always been my style. We need things for Luke. We need them soon.” He laid his chin on top of

my head when I laid my forehead on his chest. “I’ll need some clothes soon too. Don’t you know how happy you’ve made me. The marriage isn’t about the rings. It’s about the relationship we have. I feel really good about us.” My voice got husky. My eyes misty.

“All right,” he gave in. I could hear it in his voice.

“I really do like how the band looks on my hand without another ring. You have big hands. I love how it looks on your hand too. Please be happy.”

“I said all right. Now get in so we can go home.”


The next evening, I stood on the balcony overlooking the entry way at the farmhouse. The chandelier was lit. That didn’t happen often, only for special occasions. My wedding was such an occasion. My dad was coming up the stairs to get me and Aine. She was wearing something that she already owned; a soft light mauve empire waist sundress. It suited her with the baby weight she gained. It was something she was comfortable in. Daddy was wearing dress slacks that were black and a cream colored shirt.

My dad was still a handsome guy if I said so myself. Although his eyes were lined at the corners. His eyes just as blue as mine. His hair was still blonde but touched by gray. His shoulders still broad and muscular. He liked to work out to stay fit. “Can we wait just a few more minutes?” I asked when he got to the top of the stairs. He smiled at me.

“Sweetheart, they aren’t coming. Mom went over there today and talked with Stevie. She’s pretty upset that she’s missing Ronan’s wedding but Declan’s digging his heals in and she’s trying to be supportive of him.”

“What about her child?” I snapped.

My dad cupped my face. “I know sweetheart. I know you’re hurt for Ronan but there is no sense in waiting any longer for something that just isn’t going to happen.”

Ciaran appeared at the bottom of the steps. “Sky, Ronan said to get your ass down here and marry him. Thanks for waiting but they aren’t coming.” He turned and went back to the living room not waiting for my response.

I sighed and wiped away the tears. I wore the locket that belonged to Adam’s mother. That was my something old and borrowed. Ryan wore it last. I would give it to the next bride in the family. The girls picked out a charm bracelet for me like they all received. That was my something new along with my dress. In my flowers were blue violets, my mother’s idea because they mean love and faithfulness. I thought they were beautiful tucked into the center of greenery, lace and pearls along with the white roses. Only I could see them as I looked down on them. They were my something blue.

“Let’s get me married before Luke comes,” I declared.

“Is there something you aren’t telling me?” Daddy asked. His eyes were wide and concerned.

“No I was just exaggerating.”

“Oh good,” he replied. Aine laughed as she walked down the stairs in front of us.

We wore matching hairstyles. Long and curly with the front pulled back and secured with ribbons trailing down our backs. It looked pretty. Something simple like everything else about this day.

I saw him turn as my dad led me down the center aisle of chairs. Ronan smiled at me. When Dad stopped with me at the fireplace where Ronan waited, Reverend Bob asked who gives this man. My father was getting good at this having given away three daughters in two years. Ronan took my hand and tucked it into his arm. The Reverend asked us to repeat our vows and we exchanged our cheap but meaningful wedding rings. I couldn’t stop looking at mine. Then he pronounced us Mr. and Mrs. Ronan Moore. I turned my head towards Ronan and he dropped my hand. He cupped my face in his big hands and kissed me with such tenderness that the ladies in the room all oohed and awed at our sweetness. If only they knew just how sweet Ronan Moore could be.

We headed towards the dining room for dinner that was catered by the diner. A fabulous meal of chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans with bits of ham and bacon. Fresh biscuits with butter and honey. We stood together and cut our wedding cake. Again something simple. A sheet cake from the local grocery store with soft, pink flowers and ivy draping across one corner. The middle said, Congratulations Ronan and Sky. It was all I needed. We toasted each other with sparkling wine juice. I couldn’t drink. He didn’t want to and shouldn’t. We were happy.


Ronan carried me from the truck to the front porch.

“I think you only have to carry me over the threshold?” I told him.


I opened the door for him and he carried me inside. Then he set me on my feet. It felt weird to think that he was my husband and I was his wife. We were married without his parents. I turned my back to him and asked him to unzip me. I felt his fingertips brush against my skin as he lowered the zipper.

Ronan followed me to the bedroom where I slipped out of my dress. As I hung it up in the closet, I asked. “Are you upset they didn’t come?”

He shook his head at me. Not that he was saying no. He didn’t want to talk to about it. “Let’s not spoil tonight.”

I slipped out of my bra and into a tank top; there was little left that I could wear. Aine gave me some of her maternity clothes so had my other sister, Ryan. We still needed to get a few things just for me like pajamas and underwear. Things that even sisters didn’t share.

“You need a few things don’t you?” Ronan said as I slipped into bed.