Page 42 of Promise Me

Dad came down the stairs carrying a huge diaper bag full of diapers and a change of clothes for Grace. “I’m set.” He looked around at all our faces. “What the hell is going on?”

“Nothing,” Mom said. “Ronan is having first time father fears.”

Dad shook his head. “Just don’t deliver your first child in the car Ronan,” Dad teased him not realizing how concerned Ronan really was at this point.

Ronan groaned. Mom slapped Dad in the chest. “Tegan, I was just reassuring him everything would be fine.”

“Sorry, Ronan. Everything will be fine.” Dad looked at Mom. “It’s been a really long day. I’m ready to go home now.”

“Take Grace from Ronan. I’ll take the bag.” He handed the bag to her and I rose to give her back her phone. She hung the bag from her shoulder and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “You look good sweetheart,” she told me.

“I feel good Mom.”

She squeezed me then I stepped over to Dad and he leaned over Grace and gave me a kiss. I placed a kiss on Grace’s cheek too before he headed to the front door. “You guys be careful going home,” Adam told them. “You know these streets.” These streets meant a deer could run out at your car at any time of the night.

“We will Adam,” Mom told him. He kissed the top of her head. Then he walked Mom and Dad to the door. When he returned Ronan and I were discussing whether he should be alone. Neither of us could remember a time in the last two years that he was in this house by himself.

“Do you want us to stay tonight?” Ronan asked him.

His grandfather scrunched up his face and frowned at him. “What for?”

Ro looked at me. “Because Ronan is tired and I would have to drive his truck home. You know how I hate to drive that big truck.”

Ronan glanced at me and licked his lips then he looked at his grandfather. He knew that wouldn’t work. “Nice try Skylar. I know what you’re thinking,” he said with a gruffness tinging his tone.

“What am I thinking?” I asked hands on my hips.

“I haven’t been here alone since Joy died.”

“No you haven’t but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be here alone,” I said. “It is entirely up to you. Ronan asked if you wanted us to stay. We really don’t mind. We can sleep in one of the many guest rooms you have upstairs.”

“It is late,” Adam said. “I’d hate to think of you driving home on the roads the way they are at night. A deer could run out in front of you or something and you’re not used to driving his big truck and all,” he hedged.

“Good, then we’ll stay.”

Ronan was hiding his laughter behind his hand. “Thanks kids. I’m going to head upstairs. Today has kind of worn me out.”

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. Then he patted Ronan’s shoulder. Ronan watched him walk to the entry and disappear around the corner then he looked up at me. “What do you want to do?”

“I’m tired Ronan.”

“Bed huh?” He was already uncomfortable.

“Yep,” I replied and held my hand out to him. He looked at it before he placed his hand in mine and rose from the sofa. He followed behind me holding my hand until we reached the front door. He released it long enough to lock up then he clasped my hand again and walked up the steps with me. At the top, he flipped the light switch to send us into darkness. Ronan guided me down the hall to one of the spare rooms that faced the barnyard.

He opened the door and let me go inside first. Ronan didn’t turn on the light when he shut the door behind us. The soft click of the door shutting caused me to turn and gaze at him. Anticipation hung between us. We were both uncertain. There were many years of friendship between Ronan and me. I waited to see what he would do. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. I was going to have to sleep in my t-shirt but I sure did want to get rid of the bra I wore beneath.

I slipped the straps down my arm after releasing the clasp at my back. I pulled the material out from beneath my shirt giving him a shot of my belly. He smiled at me. I slipped off my shoes. He did the same. Then I watched his long, fingers go to his belt buckle. I was fascinated as I watched him unbutton then unzip his jeans reminding me of the night we conceived Luke. He gazed at me as he let them fall to the floor. Ronan stepped out of them and waited for me. I was busy though. Taking him in. I didn’t move. “Need help?” He asked softly like someone might hear us. His grandfather’s room was at the other end of the hallway.

“No,” I said smirking at him. I pushed my shorts down and let them pool at my feet.

“Sweetheart, you are amazingly beautiful right now,” he told me. “I want you to know that.”

“Thank you Ronan. It’s hard sometimes to feel beautiful when you feel as big as a barn.”

He tugged on me until I was a little closer. He sat on the bed and I slipped between his legs. “This is very weird,” he told me.

I caressed his whisker roughened face. Then I leaned in and kissed his lips surprising him. He didn’t respond at first. His lips were warm and moist beneath my own. Ronan’s hands went up to cup my face holding me to him. When I finally pulled back he looked at me. “Still feel weird?” I asked.