Page 96 of LIFE Interrupted

Kai stayed for a while, hanging out in the door. She got Josh Gatorade for Sophie. She only sipped from the bottle. Kai made a phone call a little past eight when Sophie’s temperature was approaching one hundred three.

She was the one who let Father Paddy in the house.

He didn’t stay in the doorway as Kai had done. He perched on the bed beside Sophie and took her hand in his. “Sophie my girl, you can’t behave at all, can you?” He teased her.

She smiled at him although that hurt too. “I can’t. Did you come to give me last rites because I think I’m dying.”

He chuckled.

“Not funny,” Josh told her.

“How about anointing of the sick. We’ll save the last rites for fifty, sixty years down the road.”


sp; Sophie’s eyes were squinty when she gazed at Father Paddy trying to calculate in her fever addled brain how old she would be. “I’ll be over ninety,” she croaked. He chuckled at her then he became serious.

The sacrament of the anointing of the sick was sacred. Father Paddy lifted his stole out of his pouch and laid it around his neck, adjusting it until it was perfect. Then he took out his blessed oil. He dabbed it on his fingers and made the sign of the cross on Sophie’s forehead and the palms of her hands as he recited the words, “Through this holy anointing, may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up."

Father put his oil away. Then he lifted his stole and carefully folded it before tucking it in his pouch. He lifted Sophie’s hand and held it in his. “I hope you feel better soon, Sophie.”

“I hope you don’t catch this Paddy.”

He chuckled. “I’ll wash my hands on the way out and pray a lot that Jesus protects me, so I can continue his work. It’s worked for me so far.”

“Thank you, Father,” she whispered to him.

“You’re welcome, Sophie. Get some rest.”

Josh walked out with Father Paddy. He guided him to the kitchen where he could wash his hands in the sink. “Let me know how she’s doing, Josh.”

“I will Father. Thank you for coming over.”

“Thank Kai. She called me.”

Josh gauged his fingers in his eyes to stop the tears. Father Paddy placed his arm around his shoulder. “Josh, pray with me for a minute. It will help.”

He nodded. Quietly the two men prayed together. It was powerful feeling for Josh that lifted his spirits when he was getting down. Sophie had been through so much he hated that this was happening now too.

“Thank you, Father.” He patted Josh’s shoulder.

“Anytime, Joshua. Anytime. That’s my job.”

He nodded and wiped is face. His emotions were all over the place right now. He walked outside with Father Paddy who got into his little, energy efficient car. He waited until Father backed out and then he gazed up at the sky and watched the stars twinkling in the inky blackness. There was no moon that he could see.

“Josh, you, all right?” Kai called to him.

He turned to her. So many years of friendship he had lost count. Some filled heartache. Some filled with precious memories that he loved. “I’m fine,” he told her. “Thank you for calling him.”

“I didn’t know what else to do. I knew she was going to the hospital soon, so I thought of Father Paddy first.”

“It will work, Kai. Let’s see if I can get her to drink some more water or Gatorade.”

Throughout the night, Sophie’s temperature dropped to one hundred and hovered there. She drank water and Gatorade but complained every time Josh woke her. Kai slept on the sofa, so she could let the puppies out for him.

On Sunday morning, Sophie croaked at Josh, “I need fresh water and I need to pee.”

He had fallen asleep.