Page 94 of LIFE Interrupted

“I know. I know.”

He didn’t look at her. He stared at the television. The quarterback went back in the pocket. He had plenty of time. He threw to his tight end, ten yards out. He took off down the field. Josh started yelling no, forgetting all about his sick wife, with the intense migraine. Sophie covered up her head with the pillow.

Camden’s Strong Safety, Willie Morton was hot on the tight end, Jake Hart’s tail. It was foot race to the end zone. Josh was getting even more excited. He was getting louder and louder. Willie brought Jake down at the twenty, yard line and Josh shouted yes. Sophie hit him in the head with her pillow.

“I’m sorry Sophie. I lost my head. There’s only twenty-nine seconds left in the game.”

“I don’t care Josh.”

“I know,” he whispered.

Josh watched them line up, no huddle offense. There were too many men on the field. The offense got a five, yard penalty and they moved back to the twenty-five, yard line. The play clock started again. Brian and his teammates were waving their hands, motivating the crowd that was roaring right now. He didn’t know how anyone could hear anything on that field. They had to hold them, or the game was over.

Camden’s defense blitzed and sacked the quarterback pushing them back another five or six yards. It was now second down and fifteen. They showed Brian’s nervous pacing along the sidelines. Then they showed his parents. His mom’s arm was linked with Ally’s. Looked like they were getting along well which made him smile.

With twenty-three seconds to go, the center snapped the ball and the quarterback fumbled it at the line of scrimmage. He fell on the ball. It was now third down and fifteen.

Josh released Sophie’s hand and climbed off the bed. This could be the final play if Camden held them. He sat on the end of the bed. The quarterback lined up behind his offensive line. He read the defense and called a timeout.

The puppies started clawing at his back. “Oh no, you don’t. Give me one second girls. One play, then I’ll take you out.”

They continued to whimper and claw at Josh’s back. “I don’t think they’re going to wait,” Sophie warned him.

The two teams lined up.

“Josh if one of them pees on the bed, you’re in big trouble.”

He sighed. Grabbed the girls off the bed and jogged down the hallway to the patio doors. He let the girls outside. He tugged his phone out of his pocket and typed in college football scores. He waited for them to load. The game would be over by the time his phone loaded.

Josh glanced up at the two girls, ears flopping as they chased each other around the yard, stopping and sniffing as they went. He chuckled at the dogs. Then a message came through from Ally distracting him from the puppies.

We won Dad.

Great, he thought. I missed the end.

I guess Camden’s defense held them?

Dad, didn’t you watch the game?

Somebody had to go to the bathroom.

Mom! Lol. She just wanted to ruin the game for you because she hates football.

Josh laughed at Ally.

No, the four-legged girls wanted to ruin the game for me this time. Close game. I got whacked in the head by your mother for losing my mind when Jake Hart almost scored that touchdown. Her head is pounding.

How is she?

FLU has been added to her miseries thanks to your nephew. Remember, she was hugging and kissing on him all day Thanksgiving Day. For some reason, he decided he was Nana’s boy when he didn’t feel good but we all thought he was just tired.

Oh no, Dad. Is she all right?

So far, sore throat and fever. I’m watching her.

Keep me posted.

I will. Tell Brian congrats. They will hold onto the number 2 spot.