Page 93 of LIFE Interrupted

One minute fifty to go.

The next few plays were running plays to run time off the clock. Each one gaining only a few yards until they were back to first and ten. They were on the twenty-nine, yard line now.

“Where’s her parents?” Josh asked, distracted by the play on the field, now down to one minute and ten seconds.

“Australia,” Sophie mumbled.

Australia? He watched the play. Brian got shut down. “Australia, like they are from Australia and the kids are living here?” Josh asked.

Sophie glanced over shoulder at him. Her eyes were getting bleary with fever. He felt her forehead. She felt hotter if that was possible. “No, like they are on vacation,” she explained.

He frowned then watched the next play. “They scheduled a trip during their daughter’s first chemo treatment?”

Sophie shrugged. “Maybe the tickets were non-refundable.”

Brian couldn’t move the ball. They had to take a shot at a field goal. The kicker made the field goal without any difficulty giving Camden a six-point, lead but they were giving the ball back to the other team with one minute to go.

“I would have taken the hit, you know.”

“Me too.” Sophie’s voice was barely above a whisper.

Josh didn’t ask any more questions about the young woman. What was there to ask? He didn’t understand leaving their young daughter to face her first chemo appointment alone. Sophie had an army of support

. He loved that about his family and hers.

They were already discussing walking in the Race Against Breast Cancer in the Fall of next year. Hannah and Kai were designing shirts for Team Sophie. If she wasn’t strong enough to make the three-mile walk, he would get a wheelchair for her but knowing his wife she would fight that idea.

It might be too soon for her body to have fully regained its strength, but she wanted to be there. She wanted to walk that finish line even though Sophie might only be cancer free for five months. Deandra had given her details about the walk. She would be there with Will and her team of supporters too.

The game resumed. Camden’s team kicked off and the return by the other team was five yards at best. Sophie rolled back to her left side facing him. She slipped her hand across his thigh and he grasped it firmly in his.

She was so warm. She was going to have to be careful around the kids when she saw them until she was done with chemo. He rubbed his thumb across the top of her hand while he watched the game.

First play, they got nothing. Josh mumbled yes beneath his breath trying to keep quiet for Sophie’s sake. Second play they held them to four yards on a running play. The station kept playing to the nervous face of Brian Wilkes as he watched the clock running out on the scoreboard. Then they flashed to Brian’s family in the seats pointing out his mother, father and brothers. Josh saw his daughter looking nervous, standing by Brian’s mom.

“Sophie, Ally was just on television.”

“Good for her,” Sophie mumbled.

He chuckled at his wife then touched her cheek again. She slapped his hand away. “Josh,” she warned him.

“I’m sorry baby. I’m just worried about you.”

“My fever hasn’t broken yet,” she grumbled.

“We should probably take your temperature,” Josh suggested glancing back at the television.

Second and seven. They lost a yard on that play. Camden’s defense was on fire. The clock ran down to forty seconds. There wasn’t much time left. The other team might get off two more plays on downs if Camden could hold them.

“Think we should have a thermometer here at the house?” he suggested.

“Probably,” Sophie mumbled.

“Maybe I can get Dad to get one for us, so I don’t have to leave you.”

She nodded but said nothing. Josh missed a play and tried to determine what was going on. There was a pile of bodies on the field. He held his breath. The other team came up with the ball. There was thirty-five seconds left on the clock and it was third and twelve. The opponent had lost even more yardage. It was looking good for Camden to win this game and take the Big Ten Championship.

Josh squeezed Sophie’s hand, he was so nervous. “It’s a game, babe,” she grumbled.