Page 91 of LIFE Interrupted

His phone buzzed on the table. He grabbed it to keep from disturbing Soph. “Hello,” he said to his son on the other end.

“Hey Dad.”

“Wow, you sound bad.”

“Yeah, Grandpa is coming to get Joshua who is feeling much better. Kids bounce back much faster than adults. Temperature broke last night. He’s bouncing around like a little monkey. Hannah and me, not doing so hot.”

Sophie, he realized was awake. “How’s the baby?” She asked him.

“He’s fine. Hannah and Heath are ill now.”

“Oh no.” Her eyes closed.

“Mom sends her condolences to you.” He chuckled. Sophie smiled. “Which Grandpa is coming?”

“Your dad,” Heath replied. “Grandpa Duke just isn’t much help to Grandma until he gets that shoulder looked at.”

“Isn’t he doing that next week?” Josh asked.

“Tuesday, I think. If it needs surgery we’re screwed.”

“No, you aren’t Heath. Micki will help Mom and Dad with Joshua until Duke is back in business.”

“She will,” Sophie croaked.

“Need some water?” Josh asked her.

“Throat hurts,” she moaned. He felt her forehead. She was warm. “Heath, gotta get Mom some water and probably some fever reducer would be good too.”

“Oh, no,” he said. “Dad, I’m so sorry.”

“Heath, you didn’t know Joshua was sick. Take care of yourself. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

He went to the kitchen and grabbed ice water and fever reducer. He helped Sophie sit so she could take it. “That sucks.”

“What does?” Josh asked her.

“My throat hurts worse when I swallow.”

Josh washed his hands and sat down beside her on the bed. “Who is winning?” She asked keeping her eyes closed and the blanket pulled up to her chin.

“Camden, by only three points. Five minutes left in the game. The other team has the ball.” He couldn’t keep the excitement out of his tone.

“Who is number one?” Sophie asked.

“Who else?” Josh asked as if she would know.

She groaned at him. “How should I know, Josh. I know nothing of football. Remember?”


“Oh. That one guy you all are always talking about that you don’t like because he’s always winning,” she said.

He was surprised she knew that much. “Yeah, that guy,” he agreed with her. “The coach.”

“I got that much.”

Sophie was quiet again. He touched her periodically until she got frustrated with him. “Josh, my temperature hasn’t changed in the last ten minutes.”