Page 73 of LIFE Interrupted

She nodded. They were quiet. She knew that Kai was in there too and Micki. Her friends and the neighbors had been wonderful bringing over food.

“We’re close to our neighbors right next door to us. When he had back surgery, his wife was struggling to take care of him. We took meals over to her. They organized the neighbors and are bringing over lunch and dinner every day and are doing this until I get through chemo.”

“No good deed, goes unrewarded.”

Sophie snorted. “Then why did I get cancer?”

“Sophie,” Deandra scolded her with a teasing tone to her voice.

“I’m just so angry.” Sophie sighed. She was tired of being angry. She wanted to let it go.

“What makes you happy?”

“Joshua.” That was easy.

“When did you see him last?”

“I haven’t seen much of him. It’s hard because I feel so crappy,” she admitted. “That seems to upset my grandson.”

“Then go see him. Maybe today after you get pumped up. I usually feel pretty good after I get fluids.”

“Me too. My in-laws have him today since Dad brought me here. The great-grandparents take turns caring for him right now.”

“That is wonderful. Keeps them young, doesn’t it?”

Sophie nodded in agreement. “I think I’ll ask Dad to take me to Brad and Maria’s house for a visit.”

“I think that might be fun for you. Sophie, you need to live. You’re just waiting for your next chemo treatment, am I right?”

She nodded. “Thank you, Deandra. I appreciate you so much.”

“Awe sweetie, you’re so welcome. I’m an expert at this crap, now. I’ve lived through it twice.” They laughed together.


Walking beside her dad this time, Sophie slipped her arm through his. She laid her head against his broad shoulder as they strolled to the garage. “I’m sorry for being a pain in the butt.”

“I think you probably deserve to be one, but it would be helpful to all concerned if you could try to be less of one.”

She chuckled at him.

“We don’t know how you feel, Sophie. We hurt because you are hurting but you’ve been meaner than a snake in the grass. Your mom is going to have my hide for calling you out on it though.”

She smiled at him. She wasn’t about to tell her mother anything. “Deandra was getting fluids today too. She suggested I see Joshua and have some fun.”

“I’m always up for that. Your mom is out for a while. Want to go to Brad and Maria’s house?”

Once Sophie was settled in the car, she called Maria and asked if it would be okay if she and her dad stopped by. Her mother-in-law invited them to stay for lunch. Lunch she assumed she wouldn’t eat but her dad would be grateful for food. He was starving.

Her mother-in-law had other ideas. Maria had been researching diets for cancer patients. She wasn’t expecting to try out anything on Sophie this soon but when Duke and Sophie arrived, Maria had the dining room table set with among many dishes, macaroni and cheese made with thin noodles and three cheeses. It was creamy and easy for Sophie to eat. She had a custard pudding that she had made and was planning to bring over after supper tonight.

“Nana,” Joshua screamed when he saw her in the dining room door.

She couldn’t pick him up even though his arms were in the air reaching for her. He was nearing twenty-five pounds at almost one. She squatted down in front of him. “Nana can’t pick you up, bubba.” He threw his arms around her neck and hugged her. “I can hug you, though,” Sophie whispered. He tugged her hat off her head.

At first, she tried to grab it from him and wanted to get it back on then she sat on her butt and held him while he stared at her head. She always had the hat on so Joshua hadn’t seen her bare head.

He rubbed his hand across her bald head. “Nana.”