Page 75 of LIFE Interrupted

She nodded. “I have,” she agreed with her dad. “I’m exhausted all the time. My bones ache. My head hurts. I feel pukey most of the time. I even avoid Joshua because I can’t lift him, and it breaks my heart when he wiggles his fingers at me and I can’t pick him up. I just don’t have the strength,” she explained.

Her dad backed out of the driveway. “So, what are you going to do about it, Sophie? Keep letting chemo rule you or are you taking back your life? You’re stronger than this. You aren’t acting like my girl, Sophie.”

“Could you drop me at the office for a while?”

“I can,” her father told her. He didn’t ask why. He just did as she asked.

She wasn’t sure what she was thinking. Sophie had been removed from the business a lot since the second treatment. She was just too tired. When Doctor Roberts told her that everyone had different reactions with chemo, she wasn’t kidding.

Before, she got home from her chemo treatment, she had a full blown, migraine. By the next morning, she was nauseated and vomiting. That lasted two to three days. Then she was nauseated for two to three more days. Then she was just bone tired and achy until her next treatment. How was she supposed to not let it rule her life?

Her dad parked in front of the door. She turned and looked at him. “I could have walked from a spot. You didn’t have to park right in front of the door.”

“Sophie, the first thing you can work on in getting your life back,” her father told her. She waited for him to finish. “Is getting that sunny disposition back we, all know and love.”

She chuckled at him. “I wouldn’t go that far, Dad.”

“Maybe not but this grumpy gal needs to go. Get out. I have places to be.”

Sophie burst out laughing. She glanced at her dad and realized that he achieved what he wanted. Her laughter. He leaned towards her. “Give your old dad a kiss and get out of here. I assume someone in there will take you home?”

“Yes, Daddy, someone inside will take me home.” She planted a kiss on his whiskered cheek. “You need a shave.” She scowled at him.

“I always need to shave, honey. The hair on my face grows fast. Remember I had a nice beard in just a few days?”

She thought about her dad when he worked outdoors in the winter months. He had a thick, beard to protect him from winter’s frigid temperatures.

She nodded in response. “Thanks for the ride Dad.”

“No problem. You guys all coming to our house, for Thanksgiving, next Thursday?”

She leaned in and gazed at her dad. “All but Ally. She’s going to be with Brian.”

“Chemo day after,” he stated, “need a ride?”

“Dad, I think it’s best if Josh takes me.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it would be good for Josh and you to let me and Heath take you this time.”

“You guys been talking about this?” She asked.

“We have,” her father agreed. “It’s taking a toll on Josh too, Sophie.”

She nodded. Her dad was right about Josh. “It’s a date, Dad. You and Heath can take me, next Friday.”

Sophie shut the door to her father’s car and headed to the door of Russack Landscaping, she glanced over her shoulder and waved to her dad. In the entrance, Jagger sat at the front desk, not Ally. He was busy working on something.

He was surprised to see Sophie, she could see it. “How are you, Jagger?”

“I’m good.” He leaned back in the chair, her chair.

“Where’s Ally?” She glanced around the receptionist area, so familiar but still she hadn’t been here much in two months that it felt awkward to her now. She realized that she didn’t miss this. She missed being with Josh but not this. Sophie needed something else in her life.

“In the kitchen,” he replied. “We were working on the invoices together. Without you, it’s a two-person job,” he teased her. “I have two new contracts that need to be completed so while she’s on the phone I’m tackling them.”

“She’s on the phone,” Sophie repeated.

“Brian, making plans for Thanksgiving weekend.”