Page 106 of LIFE Interrupted

“You remember?” Micki said.

She turned with the small jar in her hand. “I do. We thought we could whisper our fears in a jar and seal it up, so they would go away. I wanted to tell the jar that this is my dream to keep it close to me.”

Micki wiped away a tear. “Come on, I have more to show you.”

She extended her hand to Sophie who took it and let her guide her across the hall to what used to be the dining room. Micki opened wide, the double doors and Sophie gasped.

“What is this?”

“This room can be rented out to bridal shower parties, baby showers, whatever works. We can also do wine and art parties. Plant Nite parties. Fun things that Cooper has never seen.”

The room was light and airy with two sets of French doors that led out onto the wrap around porch. Floor to ceiling windows in the front let plenty of light in. The hardwood floors had been refinished and were bright and shiny. Round tables were setup around the room, filling it. They were plastic for easy cleaning and could be covered for formal parties.

“Come with me,” Micki said, grabbing Sophie’s hand.

“There’s more?”

“There is.” Micki opened the door into the dining room which was wall to wall art supplies. “If I have forgotten anything, you just need to order it.”

“How did you do this?”

“After my dad died, Mom put the house and her annuities in my name, so I didn’t have to go through probate when she died. She wanted to protect her assets and save me the problems she had with probate. Dad’s accounts were frozen. I had to take care of her until we got it all straightened out. You know how she was.”

“Micki, you spent your inheritance on this?”

“Some of it. Kai spent some of her divorce settlement from Jake too. Your parents gave us some money as did Josh’s parents. Hannah has the numbers so we’re all equal partners in your business. We’ll help you run it until you are totally back on your feet.”

She showed her the kitchen and family room. “A playroom?”

Micki nodded. “Hannah and I can bring the kids here if we need to. We’ll help each other out with them while we work.”

Sophie squealed and grabbed Micki around the neck.

“Is that happy squealing I hear?” Kai asked. She was three weeks from her due date and ready to pop.

Sophie included her in their hug. “I can’t believe that you all did this for me.”

“We remembered what your dream was. Heath and Hannah made some suggestions. You were writing in a journal about wanting to find yourself. Bits and pieces of family conversation came our way and we started working on it in December, except we didn’t have a location. Then I knew standing in here that Mom would love the idea of her home being used for the arts,” Micki explained. She glanced around her then smiled at Sophie.

“What are you going to call it?” Kai asked her.

She smiled at her friends. “Angel’s Arts.”

Micki couldn’t stop grinning. “Mom would love that, Sophie. Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.”

Micki’s mom was very conservative, but she adored them coming over to visit Micki. She attended Cooper Baptist Church every Wednesday night and Sunday morning without fail. Even after Kai and Sophie became pregnant, she never judged them. She was just as sweet and kind to them and their children they always brought to see her until they got too busy.

Another of Sophie’s regrets. She only saw Angel Morrow in the grocery store or the hardware store on occasion. She was just as sweet to her though.

“I loved your mom, Micki. It was her house, so we’ll call it Angel’s Arts.”

“I’ll get the sign made and the concrete poured for a parking lot to replace the gravel drive and side yard. Then we’re in business.”

“You won’t have to take down the tree, will you?”

Micki laughed. “Never. I know that tree has sentimental value to all three of us.”