Page 13 of The Nerdy Girl

Just a little mascara will make your eyes pop, Abby.

Wear this Abby. It will look so good on your figure, Abby.

Mom was beautiful like the cheerleader across the room. She had been on homecoming court in high school and college. Maybe I should listen to her advice, but it just wasn’t me.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder. I realized that the boy standing by the table was watching me. I slid my glasses onto my face to cover myself. Hiding once again.

“You want to head to class?” Cal asked glancing at me. His next period was two doors down from mine. Apparently, he was walking me to class.

We cleaned up our mess from lunch and carried it to the trash area, putting recyclables in the proper receptacles. Then we headed down the crowded hallways of White Oak Creek High School.

At my door, Cal stopped. “Can I see you after football practice?” He asked.

I was surprised by his request. Intrigued by the interest. Scared to death at the same time. “Why?”

I felt like a dumbass. He frowned at me. Then Cal smiled, that dimple revealing smile. “I like you, Abby. I want to spend more time with you.”

I almost said why again. “I’ll be in the library after school until practice ends. Then Mom is picking us up. She doesn’t want to make two trips,” I explained.

He nodded. “Think she would let me take you for pizza?”

“Don’t you have to get home?”

“Nah,” he said. “I can pretty much do what I want.”

“I guess. I can always ask.”

“Great. See you in gym class.”

He left me at my door and headed to his class down the hall. I watched, mesmerized by the breadth of his shoulders. I was fifteen, almost sixteen. Not much experience with boys. The only kiss I had ever experienced was a quickie in the closet in eighth grade with Bradley Walkin over a game of truth or dare. I lost. I had to take the dare and kiss Bradley. It wasn’t that exciting.

As I stood there gazing at Cal, I realized I didn’t know his last name. Most importantly, I wanted to know what it would be like to kiss Cal and not in a closet, rushed by nerves that somebody’s mom would catch us. Bradley was as nervous as me. It was sloppy, gross and when he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth, I shoved him away.

A throat cleared and I turned to the door. Mr. Martin was standing there waiting on me to come into class. “Are you joining us Miss Gardener or standing there ogling Mr. Cooper all day?” He glanced down the hall where Cal was turning into his classroom.

I knew Cal’s last name now and my face was as red as Mr. Martin’s sweater. “Coming in now,” I replied.

“Good idea,” he agreed giving me a nod for emphasis that I had made the right choice.

Algebra. I hated Algebra, even more so now that Mr. Martin had embarrassed me.

The door shut behind me and I made my way to the back of the classroom. The middle seats were taken. I had to sit behind Aiden, Cal’s friend. He glanced over his shoulder at me then he shook his head and faced front. I wondered about that but wouldn’t have asked anyway even if Mr. Martin hadn’t started class.

Chapter 5

I changed for gym class and met Cal on the gym floor. I don’t know why but I didn’t want to sit in the bleachers and do nothing. Cal handed me a softball glove and a ball. I pushed my glasses up and looked up at him.

“You do realize I don’t know what to do with this,” I informed him.

He shook his head at me. “Did he take all the athletic genes in the womb?” He asked glancing over his shoulder at Tyson.

“He did,” I replied.

Cal tucked his glove under his arm and showed me how to cup the ball in the glove so that it wouldn’t fall out. “Okay,” I said. “I still have to catch it though.”

He smiled at me. “Abby my girl, just keep your eye on the ball.”

“Lucky for me it is big, bright and neon yellow.”