Page 45 of The Nerdy Girl

“Aiden,” Cal snapped at him. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the boys separate. Cal walked to me and put his arm around my shoulders drawing me into his body. “Are you okay?

“I’m fine,” I responded.

“You’re not,” he whispered. “You’re trembling.”

“What the hell, man,” Tyson shouted. “You were trying to hurt my sister?”

Johnny shoved Tyson back to keep him out of trouble.

“Ty, I’m fine.”

“What do you see in her?” Aiden asked Cal. “I mean seriously when you could have one of them why her?” He pointed to the cheerleaders standing off to the side.

I could feel the tension growing in Cal. I might not look like the cheerleaders Aiden had pointed to. Made-up. Teased out and wearing the latest fashion styles but Cal made me feel pretty. He told me I was beautiful.

“She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, Aiden.” I was behind him now. He had released me and now stood in front of me. “Why can’t you be happy for me?”

“You forgot your friends,” Aiden sneered.

Then he took a step forward and shoved Cal. He stepped back into me. “Baby, I’m sorry,” he said when I gasped because he had tromped on my toes.

“It’s okay.” I clung to his bicep trying to hold onto him while I tried not to cry. I didn’t want to make things worse.

Cal pulled out of my grasp and turned on Aiden. He sucker-punched him in the mouth. Then Luke and Aiden jumped Cal, hitting him while taking him to the ground. Tyson and Johnny jumped to Cal’s defense.

“Stop,” I shouted. “Please, just stop.” Nobody listened to me. They kept punching and hitting each other. Wresting around on the ground.

Coach Mac was running towards us with some of the other football players. They were coming to break up the fight that I somehow caused without meaning to.

Coach grabbed Aiden by the belt of his pants. He wasn’t a small man, but Aiden wasn’t small either.

“Stop it, right now,” Coach shouted.

The fight went out of Aiden. He tossed him aside like he weighed nothing. Then he grabbed Tyson and pushed him away from the melee. Cal and Luke weren’t giving up. Johnny gave up on his own. Two of the defensive linemen had to separate Luke and Cal. Blood dripped from Cal’s eyebrow onto his shirt.

“I want to know what happened here.”

“Ask Aiden,” Cal snapped at Coach.

Their coach turned to Aiden. He was fierce. I had seen him on the field giving the boys a look that made me want to run and hide. He dropped his head. “Nothing coach,” Aiden replied agreeing with me.

“That’s bullshit,” Cal snapped. “He was doing something to Abby. She was trying to walk to the bathroom. It looked like he was shoving her or something. He called her a bitch.”

“Aiden, you and Luke are gone. The rest of you go back to the fire.” Aiden snorted. “Aiden, I can ban you for the rest of the season. Do you want that?”

He shook his head no.

“Then get the hell off my property, now.”

He turned and headed towards the drive with Luke following. Delia went with Luke while her friends stayed behind to enjoy the party going on at Coach’s house. I started to go with Cal and Ty when the coach asked me to come with him.

I hesitated. I had never spoken to Coach Mac. Not once but I went with him to the house as he asked.

He wasn’t that old. Not as old as my parents were. He wasn’t married but there was a rumor that he had a girlfriend. Although I had never seen one at the football games and she wasn’t at the house tonight.

Inside, he leaned against a butcher block table. “Bathroom is around the corner on the left.”