She sighed and lowered her eyes to the Styrofoam container. Then she chewed on her lower lip. She didn’t want to sound needy or like she lacked self-esteem. Then she pulled her hand away from Walker and opened her container. Inside was a ham, roast beef and provolone sandwich with only mustard and mayo, just how she liked it. She glanced up at Walker.

He knew.

He knew how she liked her sandwiches. He knew when she was sad, or something was bothering her, like now but he hadn’t figured out that it was him that was making her unhappy. “Nothing,” she replied. “Just one of those days.” She laughed. Her laughter sounded hollow and lacked truth. She could tell that Walker didn’t believe her, but he let it go. He wasn’t one to prod.

Danni dug into her sandwich and moaned as the flavors tickled her taste buds. It was nothing fancy but simple always suited Danni better than anything else. That is why her home was not the fanciest. That’s why her truck was ancient but special. That’s why her clothes weren’t name brand but nice.

She realized that Walker was watching her and when Walker watched Danni he seemed to see her truths. It was like he could read the thoughts in her head and see what was in her soul. He rubbed his hand across his jaw then he gazed down at the table breaking their eye contact. Danni wondered what he was thinking but she didn’t ask.

Finishing off her sandwich she started on the salad. Walker chuckled at her. She looked up at him. “What?”

“Always have to eat one thing at a time. Always have and always will,” he teased her.

She rolled her eyes at him. “You working tonight?” She asked him.

“For one more week,” he informed her. Danni was surprised by that. He hadn’t mentioned quitting at the pub. “Your granddad asked me when I was starting at Hal’s about three weeks ago. I told him I had to give two weeks’ notice at Ike’s, so your dad could find someone else to fill in for me.”

Danni was surprised by that bit of news. Walker hadn’t talked to her about it. “Unless you don’t want me to work with you at Hal’s?” He quirked an eyebrow at her.

She rolled her eyes towards the heavens. Danni wasn’t going to give him a response. It wasn’t worthy of one. When she was finished with her salad she tossed her trash in the garbage can behind the garage. Then she went to Walker and slid onto the bench beside him. Danni laid her head on his shoulder. The cool, fall breeze lifted the loose strands of hair about her face. The rest of her curls were secured in a ponytail at the back of her head. She tucked the wayward curl behind her ear.

Walker kissed her forehead. “What are you doing now?” She asked him.

“Heading over to your Mom’s. My mother is still staying with her since Rachel asked Seth to move out, so I thou

ght I would check in on them.”

“Tell Mom and Arte I said hello.”

She glanced at him, Walker kissed her cheek. She never felt more loved when they were like this and she didn’t want it to matter that he hadn’t asked her to marry him yet, but it did.

“You aren’t going to tell me what is making you so sad?” He whispered near her ear.

“Just one of those days,” she responded. “I’m allowed to be blue on occasion.” Danni couldn’t keep the snappiness out of her tone.

“You’re right,” he agreed. “I’ll head to your mom’s now, so you can get back to work.”

Danni watched Walker get up from the bench. She followed him to the front of the garage. “Are you ever going to get your license back?” She asked. Danni shielded her eyes with her hand, so she could see him; the afternoon sun was beating down on them, blinding her.

He turned and gazed at her. “Does it matter?” He asked.

She laughed. “No,” Danni replied. “I guess it doesn’t.” Walker smiled at her and then he turned to walk away. She thought she better tell him about going to Jackson’s house. “Hey Walker,” he turned. “Jackson’s mother died. After work, I’m going to walk over and offer my condolences.”

The moment she said the words, she knew he didn’t like it. Jackson was Walker’s biggest detractor. He only nodded then Walker turned and headed towards her mother’s house, down Main Street. Danni sighed. She would thank Matthew later for pushing her to do this.


After a shower, Danni put on a pair of jeans, her best black sneakers and black faded sweater that had seen better says. It was comfortable. She needed comfortable right now. Her hair was dried in a mass of curls around her face. She had on no make-up. She didn’t want to appear as if she had put in any effort for Jackson.

She stepped down the porch steps and headed around the cabin. She went across the backyard and headed to the woods that eventually would connect her to Jackson’s backyard. She found a spot where the creek wasn’t as wide and jumped across, a twig snapped when she landed on the other side. She took a step and another twig snapped. She whirled around and looked through the thinning brush and vine. The trees themselves still held a thick amount of red, gold and green leaves.

It was dark, too dark to be tromping through these woods at seven at night. Danni turned on the light on her phone and cast the light around the woods. She saw the glowing eyes of an animal and breathed in relief. She was paranoid since the attack; since Jamison held her and Walker at gunpoint. Danni moved quicker through the dense foliage, towards Jackson’s house.

She exited into the backyard feeling like something or someone was following her. She called his name and he appeared at the back door. He stepped out onto the wooden deck and she practically ran to him. He held her, trembling in his arms.

“What is it?” He looked around but like her he saw nothing.

“Most likely just a coon but I got scared,” she replied.