She laid her hand on his thigh to steady herself. “Walker, you’ve always been old.” He threw back his head and laughed. “Eat, old man. I want to take to you bed.”

He nodded. “All right.”

After dinner there was no seduction. No hurry, just sweet, tenderness. Walker locked the front door then checked the back door to be sure both were secure, and the cabin was locked tight. Then he took Danni’s hand and led her to the bedroom.

The bedside lamp casted the room in a soft amber glow. Walker faced Danni by the side of the bed. He gazed at her face, made even softer by the lighting. He touched her cheek like he hadn’t touched her before. He was in awe of how smooth her skin her felt beneath his rough fingers.

Danni remained still letting Walker take the lead. She let him do what he wanted to do to. She loved how his fingers on her skin made her feel. She knew that her love was broken but in time maybe Walker would heal. With her kindness and care, maybe he would be whole again someday.

Her hand slipped to his firm waist. She needed something to hold on to. Her fingers gripped his flesh and reveled in the hardness of him. Danni’s eyes traveled up his body to his face. His hands moved to cup her face and bring her closer to him.

“Danni, I love you so much,” Walker whispered to her as if sound too loud would break the moment.

She smiled at him. “I love you too,” she replied.

“I don’t want to be responsible for making you unhappy again. It broke my heart when you left the other night sobbing.”

“I hit you,” she declared. “I’ve never hit anyone before, not even my brothers.”

He laughed. “I deserved it, Danni Rose. I’m sure your brothers have too at one time or other.”

He leaned in closer as did Danni. Their breath mingled as their noses brushed against each other’s. Their lips hovered over each other’s waiting for that kiss to ignite the fire between them.

Walker gazed in Danni’s eyes. His hands reached down and pulled her flush against his body. His voice was huskier than usual when he whispered, “I need you Danni.”

She rose on tip toe and let her lips touch his. His hands caressed her bare skin and slid up Danni’s ribcage taking her shirt with them. She lifted her arms, so he could remove it. Walker tossed it on the floor at his feet. He cupped her face between his big hands. “You are so beautiful.”

She turned and kissed his rough hands, one then the other. Then Walker kissed her. He shoved Danni backwards to the bed and she stumbled then sprawled across the bed. “Hey,” she growled at him.

Walker lifted her foot with a firm grip on her ankle and removed her shoe. He dropped it to the floor. Then he repeated it with the other foot, tossing it beside the other shoe. With swiftness that surprised Danni, Walker yanked her pants to her ankles and tossed them over his shoulder. She was bare except for the bra and underwear that she wore. He slid across her body with sleek movements that left Danni breathless with anticipation.

Her hands went up his chest. His hands rested on either side of her head. He held himself above her, but his pelvis pressed into her. She could feel his hardness against her softness.

“You’re mine,” he informed her.

She smiled at him. “I never doubted that,” she agreed. Her voice husky with need for him.

“Don’t forget it.”

Her nails trailed down his back eliciting a groan from Walker. He pressed harder into Danni. “How could I, Walker?”

She grasped his firm ass in her hands.

Walker moved over her, grinding into her. Loving the feel of her beneath him. There was no other woman who had made him feel like Danni did. His lips brushed across her lips. His tongue invaded her mouth making Danni moan. Then his lips traveled over her jaw to that sweet spot beneath her ear making her shiver. Down to the spot where her neck connected to her shoulder. Danni clung to him as his lips teased and tormented her.

“Walker,” she gasped. “Right there,” she moaned.

He rubbed his whiskered jaw across her face gently, so he didn’t hurt her. Then he moved down her body pressing kisses to her heated skin as he went. Danni tugged on his shirt, removing it as he moved down away from her, out of her reach. She tossed it over the side of the bed unsure and uncaring where it landed.

Walker’s hands caressed her ribcage as his lips did her heated skin. She watched him move further down. Cherishing her with his hands and his lips. She never took her eyes off him. Then he gazed at her, taking in every nuance of her face that he wanted to memorize, keeping those memories locked in his brain until the day he died.

She smiled at him. Walker lost what he wanted to do to her. He only knew what he wanted to have forever. This. Her. Her love. He moved up beside her and laid on his side, resting his hand on her belly, his head in the palm of his other hand.

“What are you doing?” She laughed at him.

“I don’t know. I just want to look at you.” He ran his hand slowly up then he turned his gaze to watch his hand. Danni pushed him onto his back and straddled him. She spread her hands across his chest and let her fingers glide across his skin. The feel of his warmth invading her senses made her smile. Her eyes met his seeing the fire in their dark depths that she was creating by touching him.

She leaned over Walker touching her lips to his then she pressed