Danni turned with the spoon in her hand and crossed her arms. She leaned against the counter next to the stove. “Walker, you’re a go

od man. You just have to believe that yourself.”

Finally, he moved out of the entry and slid onto the barstool. Walker leaned his elbows on the wooden counter. “I want to, Danni. When your grandfather mentioned kids, I wanted to believe it was possible, but I also know they will also live with the stigma of my past.”

“The people who know and love you will let your children know what a wonderful man you are, Walker.”

Seth took that opportunity to stick his head around Danni’s front door ending their conversation. He didn’t knock, because he never had. He seemed timid about coming completely into the cabin. Danni walked over to the edge of the island where she could see her brother. She was disappointed in Seth. He had let everyone who did believe it that it was Walker’s fault that she had been attacked. Jackson for one. She waited for him to say something.

“Thank you, Walker.”

She turned back to the stove and dished their supper into a bowl. “I didn’t do it for you, Seth. I did it for Danni.”

“I know but that is why I’m thanking you. She means everything to me.” Danni shook her head. Once she would have believed Seth now she wasn’t so sure.

“Shorty, say something,” he pleaded with her.

Danni glanced over her shoulder at her younger brother. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Seth. Did Jamison threaten me before he attacked me?” She asked him.

Seth dropped his head unable to meet his sister’s gaze. Danni knew that her brother hadn’t taken Jamison seriously when he should have. Everyone in Sherwood, Severe, Haley Cove, Hope and all the towns in between knew to take threats from Jamison Harrelson at face value and she had paid the price because Seth hadn’t. She could have died.

“Granddad paid Walker back today with the money that you would have inherited upon his death.”

“I know,” Seth said. “Dad told me. “I’m moving in with Matt and Layla.”

Danni’s head popped up and she stared at her brother. “Why are you leaving Mom’s house?”

“She asked me to,” he replied. “She told me it was time I grew up.”

“Maybe she’s right, Seth.” Although Danni didn’t like it that her mother would now live alone in that big house where they all did at one time. Walker knew what she was thinking. She was worried about their mother.

Danni laid the bowl on the counter in front of Walker. “Want to eat with us?” Walker asked. Danni scowled at him and he winked at her. It didn’t make her feel any better, he could see. He knew that she was angry at Seth. She didn’t really want him to stay but Walker wanted Danni to mend fences with Seth.

“I get it Danni,” Seth said to her. “I’ll give you time to cool down.”

“Thank you, Seth.”

“Just remember that I am really sorry, and I do love you.”

She nodded then she turned her back on Seth to get her dinner plates out for her and Walker to eat off. The door closed softly so she didn’t know that her brother had left until she turned, and he was gone.

“I know what you’ve been through.” She sat the plates one in front of Walker and one beside him. She gazed at Walker waiting for him to speak his mind. “And I wanted to personally beat the snot out of Seth myself when I found out that it was because of him that you were hurt.” Danni tried not to smile at Walker. “But it’s over now so let it go for you. I’m the king of holding grudges and I know it’s no good for you.”

Danni walked across the room and got silverware, napkins and bottles of water for them. Then she went around the island and perched next to Walker on the other barstool. She handed him his silverware and his drink. Danni started to pick up her silverware and Walker covered her hand. She turned to him. He brushed his hand down the side of her face.

“I love you Danni Rose. I want you to be sure that you want me.”

She leaned in and pressed her lips to his. “I never had a doubt Walker,” she whispered against his lips.

He nodded. She was a stubborn one but then all the Hatfield clan was born that way. “All right then.”

She chuckled. “What does that mean?”

“That means, Danni Rose. I want to make an honest woman out of you, but I need to do it properly.”

“Which means?” She pressed him for more information.

He kissed her. “That first I ask Simon’s permission to marry his daughter.” She smiled at him. “Then I get you a ring. Then you decide if you really want to be tied to this old, ex-con for the rest of your life.” He stroked her face. “Danni, you’re so young and I feel so old, sometimes,” he admitted.