He inhaled sharply. “Simon, I don’t care about the money. I just want to get back to Danni.”

“I know you do, son. Focus on her. I’ll gather my boys. We’ll protect Danni. See you at the cabin shortly.”

“Thank you, Simon.”

He trusted Simon to make the right choice. They were almost to town. He had lost track of time, but he was sure it had been no more than twelve minutes. He laid his face in his hands. Rachel’s hand on his back was almost his undoing.

“Pull yourself together and tell me what the hell is going on with my daughter.”

Walker straightened. He wiped his face on the tail of his shirt. Then he told Rachel what had happened last night with Jamison Harrelson coming into the kitchen at Ike’s. She gasped at the news that Seth was the reason for Danni’s beating.

“This is somehow my fault for spoiling Seth,” Rachel declared.


“It is. Don’t you see? He’s always looking for these get rich quick schemes. Seth always thinks that money should come easy because I’ve made his life so easy. I never wanted my baby to have anything hard.”

“Rachel, it’s not your fault. He knows better than to mess with Jamison. Everyone in Brown County, hell even Jesse knows better and he’s a dumbass.”

She smiled but Rachel was clearly upset. She arrived in town and Walker’s heart started beating hard against his chest. His eyes scanned the streets. He didn’t know what he was looking for, but he wanted to be sure he missed nothing. Rachel turned into the bank’s parking lot and he was out of the car as soon as she slowed down. She hollered at him for jumping out before she stopped the car, but Walker didn’t slow down to listen.

He ran inside and got in line at the teller’s window. He assumed that Rachel would wait on him. Then he looked at the clock on the wall above the bank teller’s head. He guessed he had been gone twenty minutes. His booted foot tapped against the floor that was tile. Plain and colorless. Most banks had no personality except for the colorful signs urging people to take out a loan for remodeling their house, among other things.

He shook his head. His breathing was hard and fast. Hell, if he didn’t calm down they were going to think he was about to rob the joint.

Then he was next. The woman in front of him stepped back and he almost shot forward and yanked her aside. It wouldn’t do Danni any good to get himself into trouble. A big hand clamped down on his shoulder and he whirled around.

“Hawk, Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.”

“Come on. I have some pull.” He led him back to the branch manager’s office. His friend, Toby Marcello was waiting on him. Simon had called Hawk. Hawk had called Toby then Hawk headed over to the bank to find Walker.

“I’m already on it, Hawk,” Toby informed him. “I just need Walker’s signature.”

He wanted to cry. “I’ll sign anything.” Toby Marcello put a withdrawal form in front of him. He scrawled his name on the line where Toby indicated. Toby drew it back in front of him and tapped away on the computer. “Lydia is getting the money together.”

“Thank you, Mr. Marcello. Thank you, so much.”

Hawk squeezed his shoulder. “I’m taking you back to the cabin.”

He was horrified. “Jamison can’t see you. He’ll kill her for sure.”

Hawk wrinkled up his forehead and scowled at Walker. “Son, I may be small town but I’m not without brains. I’ll drop you off before the cabin and drive around to the Hand place. I can walk through the woods. That’s where my men are with the Hatfield’s.”

“Great. More ammo for Jackson to use against me.”

The sheriff didn’t understand. Jackson didn’t know that he was saving Danni’s life for that matter he was saving Seth’s ass too. Lydia Cross walked in carrying a bag with the money that would pay Jamison Harrelson back the money Seth owed him.

Walker snatched her from her hands. “Sorry Miss Cross. I’m in a hurry.”

She looked at him like he was the dirt on her feet and that is why Walker tried to keep Danni away. He stepped around her trying to ignore her disparaging expression. Then he headed out into the main part of the bank with the sheriff hot on his heels.

“Son, you can’t go anywhere without me.”

He slowed and looked over his shoulder. “I’ve been gone thirty minutes, Hawk. That’s thirty minutes, Danni has been alone with Jamison and Robby.”

“I get it Walker,” the sheriff said walking around the side of the car to the driver’s side. Walker hesitated at the back door. He assumed he would have to ride in the back. He never thought he would ever ride in the back of a police car again. His eyes met those of Hawk Simpson over the top of the car as Hawk started to get in the driver’s door. “Get up front, Walker.”

The sheriff knew how Walker was feeling right now. He was grateful he didn’t make him get into the back. He opened the door and slid into the passenger seat. Walker buckled up before the sheriff even started the car and got his own belt on.